Home > Radical Islam > Barack Hussein Obama: The Muslim Brotherhood President

Barack Hussein Obama: The Muslim Brotherhood President

Proverbs 22:24-25, “Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.”

Egyptian Protester Holds Poster Telling Obama To Stop Supporting The Muslim Brotherhood

Egyptian Protester Holds Poster Telling Obama To Stop Supporting The Muslim Brotherhood

By Robert Spencer, Frontpage Mag – “The State Department announced Wednesday that it was cutting hundreds of millions in military and other aid to Egypt, and make no mistake: this was not a government shutdown move. This was the President of the United States blackmailing a sovereign state to force it to restore the Muslim Brotherhood government he favors. With the Egyptian economy in crisis and Egypt strongly dependent on this aid, Obama has just effectively cast his vote for the Muslim Brotherhood’s return to power – and his vote outweighs that of millions of Egyptians.

This comes as the Brotherhood is becoming increasingly violent in Egypt, belying its ‘moderate’ reputation. The New York Times reported Tuesday that ‘three brazen attacks across the country included a drive-by shooting near the Suez Canal that killed six soldiers, a car bomb that killed three police officers and wounded dozens near the Red Sea resorts area, and the first rocket-propelled grenade launched in the struggle, exploding near an elite enclave of the capital and damaging a satellite transmitter.’

Obama has said nothing about this. Nor has he said anything about the recent attempt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters to assassinate Bishop Makarios of Upper Egypt’s Minya governorate, where Brotherhood men have burned churches and terrorized Christians, scapegoating them for the toppling of the Muslim Brotherhood regime. Indeed, Christians have been scapegoated and brutalized all over Egypt at the hands of supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood.

This persecution has had a decidedly Islamic cast: Asia News reported on September 13 that ‘the Muslim Brotherhood have turned an evangelical Protestant church in Monshaat Baddini in the province of Samalout (Minya, Upper Egypt) into a mosque. According to local sources, the Islamists have removed all sacred furnishings, paintings, icons and recited the special prayer to consecrate the building to Allah. On the wall of the church an inscription reads: ‘mosque of martyrs and there is no other God but Allah.’’

And AINA reported on the same day that ‘two Coptic Christians government employees were shot dead yesterday for refusing to pay Jizya, the Muslim poll tax on Christians. Emad Damian, 50, and his cousin Medhat Damian, 37, from the village of Sahel Selim in Assuit Province, were contacted two days before their murder by the leader of a Muslim gang, who was identified by Watany Coptic Newspaper as Ashraf Ahmed Mohammed Khalajah, a registered criminal from the village.’ …

Yet while warning the Burmese government to stop persecuting that nation’s Muslims, Obama has said little about the escalating persecution of Christians in Egypt – a persecution that is being carried out by people who want to see the Muslim Brotherhood in power there.” Read more.

Flashback: America’s Brother-In-Chief

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 10/10/2013 at 1:49 PM

    Deon Rodden
    America America God shed His grace on thee.Our U.S. constitution has served the entire world as a beacon leading to freedom for more than 225 yrs. Yes it is imperfect with an imperfect people who have upheld until now. But it is greatly under attack by our own president and his cronies. In Islam freedom is considered “IDOLATRY” to their god allah. Our president has proven over and over by his own words that he is truly a Muslim defending the Koran as holy, pronouncing punishment and death to those who insult Mohammad and declaring himself proudly as “one of them”. Wake up America.


  2. 10/10/2013 at 2:13 PM

    Yes, beyond all doubt this ‘president’ has inauspicious ambitions! In other words, he’s a traitor and a liar! His only purpose and intent is to weaken the USA to the point of total impotence! He told us clearly that in any crisis between islam and its opponents that he would “side with the islamists”! He must be exposed and removed from office! Until he is, we cannot go forward as a free nation! We are clearly handicapped and hindered from being the leader of the Western world! We are living on borrowed time and treading on thin ice!!!


  3. 10/11/2013 at 7:39 AM

    Obama just can’t help himself when it comes to the terrorist that he has such a crush on. He couldn’t give away enough American assets when the Muslim Brotherhood was in power. Now that Mohammad Moresi has been deposed he wants to strip the fledgling government bare.

    His recent speech to the UN says it all: “The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”


  4. 10/12/2013 at 8:29 AM

    Shabbat Shalom Everyone,

    Lets face it America, for the most part, Americans seem to be okay with the prospect of having an Islamic yoke around their collective necks. Where is the Senate, the House, military brass, the media, or anyone else with a clear set of eyes? Obama keeps on supporting terrorist regimes unfettered.

    Did anyone in power even bother to listen, or to read Imam Obama’s speech to the UN? I’ll quote: “The future does NOT belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Take a moment and let that statement marinade in your skull caps.

    Naturally, just like his deceitful god, that chameleac Obama, couches his threats in soft incidentals like; “the future should not belong to those who target Coptic Christians, or to those who insult Jesus,” Islam’s version of course, you know, the Jesus who is NOT the Son of GOD.

    It was so big of Imam Obama to finally make a passing comment about the holocaust that is being waged against the Copts. They are not merely being slandered. Their churches are being burned down, the children are being murdered in front of their parents, young girls are being raped, even babies are being raped to Death, and that is all that the President of the formally free world has to say about it?

    If Obama is not the Antichrist, then can we even imagine what the real one will be like? Know this America; if you insult Mohammed then you do not have a future, you deserve the death penalty! By the way, if you share Yeshua with anyone, then you are guilty of insulting the prophet, because that would render Mohammed a false prophet, there is no prophet Mohammed in the bible. Jews have always been, and will remain worthy of death according to the tenants of evil Islam.


  5. 10/13/2013 at 12:16 AM

    Hey dapreach & denise! We ALL know Obama is a “Muslim”…through and through! Why is it, that the rest of our fellow Americans do NOT know??? OR, do they? Perhaps, the majority of Americans really DO know! Perhaps, the majority of Americans DO want him out of office! HOW, would any of us really know for sure?

    Simple…we wouldn’t!!! Mainstream Media (MSM…I “like” that, a much easier reference) is controlled by the same people that control the government. Therefore, what we need is something completely independent of MSM & the government. “Sharia Unveiled” suggested a kind of “hub” here on the internet in which each website/blogspot/tweet retains it’s own independence and yet belongs to “WE, the People…”

    Exactly “HOW” this would work, in which it could NOT be infiltrated and eventually become “worthless,” we haven’t figured out…yet!


    • 10/13/2013 at 6:41 AM

      America is too preoccupied fighting for gay rights, and healing the planet, which is their idea of “good works,” to notice their freedom slipping away. They think that no one should judge anyone, inclusiveness, and yoga, are their spiritual tokens. They are far too busy texting, and worrying about what to wear, to be bothered with seeking the GOD of the universe.

      Most of todays youth are enamored with Obama, and with Hollywood, they see nothing wrong with either. When it is too late, and the evil yoke of Islam is placed firmly on their necks, perhaps that’s when they will cry out to GOD for deliverance. Most of the youth are spoiled, petulant children. When they go from being coddled to the unyielding lash of Islam, that’s when they will care, when it’s too late.


      • 10/13/2013 at 9:48 AM

        NO, Denise, the “youth” of today is much more aware of Islam and it’s ways than you think! It’s the parents (the group between my age 60, and the “thirty-somethings”) of these youths that are unaware. I know this for a fact as when I have questioned my son about it, he has told me that all his friends are “just” as aware as I have made him! He is 23…now! My, soon to be, 16 y.o., & his friends, are just as aware as my older son!


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