Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Full Transcript: Hamas Operative Phone Call Admits Gaza Hospital Rocket Not From Israel

Full Transcript: Hamas Operative Phone Call Admits Gaza Hospital Rocket Not From Israel

It wasn’t from Israel. It was for Israel. Here is unequivocal proof …

  • Hamas Operative: “I’m telling you this is the first time we see a missile like this falling and so that’s why we are saying it belongs to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”
  • Hamas Operative: “What?”
  • Hamas Operative: “They are saying it belongs to Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”
  • Hamas Operative: “It’s from us?”
  • Hamas Operative: “It looks like it!”
  • Hamas Operative: “Who says this?”
  • Hamas Operative: “They are saying that the shrapnel from the missile is local shrapnel and not like Israeli shrapnel.”
  • Hamas Operative: “What are you saying (name)?”
  • Hamas Operative: “But Allah bless, it couldn’t have found another place to explode?”
  • Hamas Operative: “Nevermind, yes, (name) they shot it from the cemetery behind the hospital.”
  • Hamas Operative: “What?!”
  • Hamas Operative: “They shot it coming from the cemetery behind the Al-Ma’amadani Hospital, and it misfired and fell on them.”
  • Hamas Operative: “There’s a cemetery behind it?”
  • Hamas Operative: “Yes, Al-Ma’amadani is exactly in the compound.”
  • Hamas Operative: “Where is it when you enter the compound?”
  • Hamas Operative: “You first enter the compound and don’t go toward the city and it’s on the right side of the Al-Ma’amadani Hospital.”
  • Hamas Operative: “Yes, I know it.”
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