Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > “Air, Sea, And Land”: Israel Gaza Operation Has ‘Severely Increased’ Friday 10/27/2023

“Air, Sea, And Land”: Israel Gaza Operation Has ‘Severely Increased’ Friday 10/27/2023

Live streams earlier showed unrelenting strikes in north Gaza

UPDATE: Click Here for real-time live streams of Operation Swords of Iron.

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JPost – “IDF ground troops are expanding their efforts inside Gaza to dismantle the Hamas terrorist infrastructure, IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said Friday evening.

Hagari said 310 soldiers have been identified as dead since the Hamas massacre on October 7. So far, only two out of 229 known hostages have been set free. Hamas claimed that 50 hostages had been killed.

‘In the last few hours, we have severely increased our attacks in Gaza,’ he said during an evening briefing, noting that attacks were taking place from the air, sea and land.” Read more.

UPDATE: Click Here for real-time live streams of Operation Swords of Iron.

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