Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Iran: IRGC Threatens World, Warns If Israel Retaliates Against Iranian Attack They May Review “Nuclear Doctrine” And Pursue Nukes

Iran: IRGC Threatens World, Warns If Israel Retaliates Against Iranian Attack They May Review “Nuclear Doctrine” And Pursue Nukes

Iran must have convinced themselves that the entire world suffers collectively from a serious case of short-term memory loss. Anybody paying attention to Iran over the last two decades is well aware that they’ve long since “reviewed” their “nuclear doctrine” and have already concluded that the use of nuclear weapons has been approved under Islamic law

Flashback: Iranian Nuke Chief Was In North Korea For Atomic Test
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Israel National News – “A senior member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Ahmad Haghtalab, who is responsible for Iran’s nuclear security, today (Thursday) delivered a threatening message to deter Israel from attacking the country and added that Tehran may reexamine its nuclear policy.

Officially, over the years, in Iran it has been claimed that the nuclear program is not used to obtain nuclear weapons but for research and peaceful purposes, even though it has enriched uranium far beyond levels that have any non-military purposes in addition to other activity that has no civilian purpose.

Hagetalev said that ‘a review of our nuclear doctrine and politics as well as considerations previously communicated is entirely possible.’

In addition, he said that the various nuclear facilities are under full security against the possibility of Israel attacking them.

Hagetaleb conveyed another threatening message and said that in the event that Israel responds to Iran’s massive attack over the last weekend, Iran is ready to launch powerful missiles to destroy designated targets in Israel. Our hands are on the trigger.” Read more.

Flashback: Hundreds of North Korean Nuclear and Missile Experts Working in More Than 10 Locations Across Iran – “Hundreds of North Korean nuclear and missile experts have been collaborating with their Iranian counterparts in more than 10 locations across the Islamic state, a diplomatic source said Sunday. The revelation lends credence to long-held suspicions that North Korea was helping Iran with a secret nuclear and missile program. It also represents a new security challenge to the international community as it seeks to curb the nuclear ambitions of Pyongyang and Tehran, and thwart trading of nuclear and missile technology. North Korea has long been suspected of being behind nuclear and missile proliferation in Iran, Syria, Myanmar and Pakistan. ‘Hundreds of North Korean nuclear and missile engineers and scientists have been working at more than 10 sites (in Iran), including Natanz and Qom,’ the source said, citing human intelligence he declined to identify for security reasons.” Read more.

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