Home > Radical Islam > Babylonian Bubbly France: “Allahu Akbar” Migrant Threatens Café, Teens Plot Beheadings And Terror, Dismembered Body Found Near Open Qur’an, Graves Vandalized With Pro-Islam Threats, Muslim Attacks Everyone Nearby For Allah …

Babylonian Bubbly France: “Allahu Akbar” Migrant Threatens Café, Teens Plot Beheadings And Terror, Dismembered Body Found Near Open Qur’an, Graves Vandalized With Pro-Islam Threats, Muslim Attacks Everyone Nearby For Allah …

Are those liberal immigration policies working out well for France? Oui ou non? …

See: France: Arabic Is Now New Second Language
See: France: Quality Of Life Going Down As Muslim Population Rises

Village Café Patrons Seize Illegal Gambian Migrant Threatening Them With Knife – “A man from Gambia, who was under an obligation issued by the prefect of the Eure department to leave French territory, got furious. After an argument started in a bar, he allegedly pulled out a knife and shouted Allah Akbar. He was completely confused and had apparently demanded drinks and food from the guests. He then became very angry and moved on with his knife. The customers were able to subdue him … The public prosecutor demanded a prison sentence of eight months without parole and a permanent ban from French territory. The judges considered that the threats and theft of which the defendant was accused could not be sufficiently proven …” Read more.

Authorities Thwart Teens Plotting Jihad Against Police, Military, Jews, Trans, Anti-Islam Group – “Two young people aged 17 and 19 will be tried in a trial requested by the national anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office … accused of having prepared an attack against a Lyon bar affiliated with the Generation Identity movement. Justice requests that the suspects be tried for terrorist conspiracy, advocating terrorism… a spy infiltrated a Telegram encrypted messaging group who met these two individuals. He discovered that the youngest did not know how to use weapons, that he threatened to behead an identity activist on social networks and created a group on Telegram called ‘the French Islamic State.’ The eldest tried to leave for Syria without success. The 19-year-old suspect then decided to organize an attack on French soil. The young men also entered into contact with members of Oumar Diaby’s jihadist group… they threatened to attack the police, the military, Jews, transsexuals, and identitarians.” Read more.

Islamist Teen Arrested After Threatening To Behead Classmate, Attack School – “An eighth-grade Snapchat group has attracted the attention of the police in Roanne in the Loire department. According to Europe 1, a pupil who is a member of this group filed a complaint on Monday evening because he had been threatened with death by decapitation by one of his classmates and the same young man had threatened to attack his Jules Ferry school. ‘He posted a photo of a handgun and a video of an assault rifle and threatened the student with the intention of cutting off his head,’ … the perpetrator renamed the Snapchat group ’09h30′, referring to the time at which he intended to commit his crimes. The student who made the report also helped investigators identify the dangerous young man. A police squad secured the school at 7.30am on Tuesday morning and at 9.15am a suspect was arrested and taken into police custody.” Read more.

Dismembered Body Burned Under Paris Bridge, Open Qur’an Found Nearby – “On the night from Saturday to Sunday, a dismembered body was found in a suitcase under the Pont d’Austerlitz bridge in the 12th arrondissement of Paris … in a suitcase that had been set on fire, as reported by Actu17. A thorough investigation was carried out by the police at the scene. At around 10pm, Civil Defence officers initially reported a bin fire in a square along Mazas Way, which is located by the platforms under the Austerlitz Bridge. After quickly bringing the fire under control, the fire brigade discovered a suitcase containing human remains. (…) Actu 17. Police officers also discovered a Koran ‘opened to the first page’ and a black cap near the body.” Read more.

Graves Painted With ‘Zionist,’ ‘Jew,’ ‘Allah,’ Death Dates Of Politicians Opposed To Mass Muslim Migration – “Black spray inscriptions were discovered on Monday May 6 on 82 graves in the Tourtoirac cemetery. The gendarmerie carried out surveys in the evening. Since the start of the year, a series of cross monuments and a cemetery have already been tagged in this sector. 82 graves were tagged in the Tourtoirac cemetery, in Périgord vert. 82 graves were tagged in the Tourtoirac cemetery, in Périgord vert. ‘It’s a crazy person who does that,’ Nanou despairs, pushing open the gate of the cemetery on the heights away from the town of Tourtoirac. Monday May 6, in the afternoon, a craftsman who came to repair the gate discovered tags on 82 graves in the large village cemetery, according to information from France Bleu Périgord. Dozens of graves were covered with black spray paint inscriptions: ‘Allah,’ ‘cowards,’ ‘I hate you,’ as well as tags referring to political figures …” Read more.

‘By Allah, I Will F**k You,’ Violent Muslim Hits Passersby, Injures Four Cops – “A man, arrested by agents of the territorial contact brigade (BTC) for aggravated willful violence after having hit passers-by on the Champs-Elysées, injured four police officers during his police custody … Skander B. A., 26 years old, handcuffed because he was virulent, struggled strongly, headbutted the vehicle, spit on the police officers and insulted them: ‘I’m going to f**k your mother’, ‘By Allah I’m going to f**k you’, ‘I’m going to beat you,’ ‘Big s**t,’ ‘I’m going to say that you hit me, you big s**ts.’ The pedestrian cameras are then activated. In the waiting room, the suspect again showers the officers with insults: ‘I’ll take you down son of a b**ch,’ etc., then deliberately butts his head against the hospital wall. Held by an arm lock to protect him, he then bit the left leg of a police officer …” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. S simba
    05/14/2024 at 4:58 PM

    Few decades more and Europe is done.


  2. FX Merco
    05/14/2024 at 11:02 PM

    Bonjour ICA !

    And as Bereans, tthe more we study Messiah 2030 Project’s teachings, the more we realise that their timing may be spot on!




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