
Archive for 05/16/2024

Babylonian Bubbly Germany: Migrants Failing To Integrate, Migrant Attacks After Antisemitism Lecture, Migrant Slaughters Mother In Front Of Children, Politician Fined For Exposing Migrant Gang Rape Epidemic, Migrants Attack Locals For Drinking Alcohol, Migrant Assaulting Woman Receives ‘Instant Karma’…

05/16/2024 Leave a comment

Achtung! Eingehend! …

See: German Politicians Welcome Sharia Law As ‘Good For Integration’
See: Germany: Muslims To Non-Muslim Woman: ‘We Will Wipe You Out’
See: Mohammed Most Popular Baby Boy’s Name In Berlin And Hamburg
See: Germany: Muslim Child: ‘First We Cut Throats Of Jews, Then Gays And Finally Christians’
See: Survey: One Third Of Prospective Islamic Religious Teachers In Germany Regard Jews As Enemies

Integration Failure: Reducing Immigration Now More Important To Europeans Than Climate Change – “While reducing immigration is a priority for just 16 per cent of people globally, it is trending towards 50 per cent in some European states… it overtook fighting climate change this year … This is a remarkable turn of events … the countries ahead of the continent-wide trend on calling it a top priority citizens think their government should address included Germany, Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom. Tangentially, those interviewed in Germany, Ireland and France were at the forefront of people worldwide calling migration a top global — as opposed to just national — issue … The study may make particularly uncomfortable reading for the Germany government — a left-wing coalition featuring both the establishment-left Social Democrats and the hard-left Green Party …” Read more.

City Of Krefeld Allows Islamic Call To Prayer Over Loudspeakers Once A Week – “This isn’t really needed in order to inform Muslims that it is time for prayer. They have watches and phones that note the time like everyone else. This is an assertion of presence, and of superiority (Allahu akbar in the call to prayer means Allah is greater, that is, greater than your god), and this new celebration of diversity in Krefeld is just the beginning… ‘Salih Tufan Ünal, Chairman of the Union of Turkish and Islamic Communities (ATIB), commented on this new agreement and emphasized its importance. As a native of Krefeld with family roots in Turkey, Ünal has a personal connection to the city and its Muslim community. According to Ünal, the imam of the Yunus Emre Mosque in Krefeld-Stahldorf will in future call for prayer once a week, every Friday, via the permanently installed loudspeakers …'” Read more.

Muslim Migrant Attacks Speaker’s Wife After Antisemitism Lecture – “After a reading at the University of Hamburg on the subject of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism, a 56-year-old woman was attacked and beaten. The attacker then defended herself and kicked and bit the attacker (26), as the Hamburg police announced on Friday. According to the German-Israeli Society, the 56-year-old victim is one of its board members. The woman is also the speaker’s wife. According to reports, the thug may come from Somalia…  the attacker probably comes from the pro-Palestinian milieu. The “cowardly attack” is part of an increasing escalation of the situation. There have also recently been pro-Palestinian actions at other universities and colleges in Germany.” Read more.

Muslim Migrant Accused Of Killing Mother Of Four In The Presence Of Her Children – “Emergency services found the body of a 34-year-old woman in an apartment building. Four minor children were also in the apartment. The next day the arrest warrant was issued against her husband… The Göttingen public prosecutor’s office accuses the 39-year-old man of being responsible for the death of his estranged wife… According to the public prosecutor’s office, the couple has four children together. According to Buick, all four were minors and were in the apartment at the time of the crime. They were taken into care. The investigation into the case is ongoing.” Read more.

Politician Fined For Publishing Statistics Showing Migrants Have High Levels Of Gang Rape Activity – “Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Marie-Thérèse Kaiser has now been convicted for publishing gang rape statistics in response to news that Afghan migrants would be moved to her district. The 27-year-old politician was found guilty in the Verden regional court in Lower Saxony on Monday for ‘inciting hatred’ against local Afghan workers. She is ordered to pay a fine of €6,000 and being charged €60 a day for 100 days. She will also have a criminal record. The case relates back to a post from August 2021, in which she made a post on social media … linked an article showing that Afghans in Germany feature particularly high levels of gang rape activity… Kaiser had perhaps mistakenly believed resorting to data would protect her, which shows that foreigners are represented in half of all gang rape cases, according to official government statistics. Afghans’ roles in serious crimes, including rape and gang rape, are tremendously high relative to their population.” Read more.

Group Of Migrants Seeking To Impose Islamic Law Attack Locals For Drinking Alcohol – “[T]here was a brawl at the Bollwerk on that day [Germany’s Father’s Day]… there were 15 foreigners fighting with 4 Germans… The reason for the brawl is said to have been that the consumption of alcohol was not compatible with the world view of Islam and that they wanted to enforce Sharia law in Neuruppin, explained one of the injured when asked. The perpetrators themselves fled the scene when the police arrived and could not be traced. One of the Germans suffered the loss of five teeth when one of the foreigners kicked him in the face while he was lying on the ground. Another German’s arm was deliberately broken by several people when he proved to be particularly defensive… there are numerous acts of violence committed by foreigners and this is also shown by the crime statistics. Around fifty per cent of all violent crimes in 2023 were committed by migrants …” Read more.

‘Instant Karma’: Sex Attacker Loses Arm After Train Hits Him During Scuffle With Crowd Coming To The Victim’s Aid – “A sex attacker who tried to grope a female train passenger ended up losing his arm when a locomotive hit him during a scuffle with a crowd that came to the victim’s aid. A 22-year-old man from Tunisia tried to kiss and grope a woman, 25, on a tram in the German city of Stuttgart in the early hours of Sunday, according to the federal police. Other passengers rushed to the victim’s aid and left the train with her assailant at the next stop at Oesterfeld station in the city’s Vaihingen district. A scuffle between the Tunisian, a second man and other passengers ensued on the platform, during which the unknown man reportedly got physical with the sex attacker, causing him to fall onto the tracks. The man was hit by an incoming tram and was seriously injured. He was taken to hospital, where one of his arms was amputated during emergency surgery …” Read more.

Pro-Hamas Vandals Set Fire To Town Hall, Scrawl On Walls ‘If Gaza Burns, Berlin Burns!’ – “It’s only a matter of time before all Western countries face what Israel has been facing since its founding. October 7 globalized the Palestinian ‘resistance,’ which in reality is rooted in Islamic supremacy, the rejection of a Jewish state in the Middle East, and conquest. Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett recently warned that ‘America is next,’ but this warning does not only apply to America. It applies to all of the West. Recently in Germany, over 1000 Muslims chanted ‘Allahu akbar’ and demanded a caliphate during a ‘demonstration of power.’ The implications of the threat to burn Berlin are obviously serious, and a sign of more to come.” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam