Home > Radical Islam > United Nations Security Council Holds Moment Of Silence For The “Butcher Of Tehran” After Iranian President Dies In Helicopter Crash

United Nations Security Council Holds Moment Of Silence For The “Butcher Of Tehran” After Iranian President Dies In Helicopter Crash

Need more proof that the United Nations Security Council is largely comprised of useless, inbred hominids? Look no further than their “moment of silence” in honor of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the “Butcher of Tehran” responsible for thousands of Iranian deaths and a known holocaust denier who dreamed to see the end of the State of Israel and all Jews. Unfortunately for Raisi, his dream for this life has now become an absolute nightmare for the next …

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Israel National News – “Members of the United Nations Security Council held a moment of silence for the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

The Russian, Chinese, and Algerian UN missions requested the moment of silence be held during a Security Council session on the prevention of an arms race in outer space and outer space security.

Mozambique Ambassador Pedro Comissario Afonso, who holds the rotating council presidency this month, asked the council members to stand for the moment of silence for Raisi and the others who died in the plane crash.

Raisi was known as the ‘butcher of Tehran’ for his role in the execution of thousands of Iranian protesters in the 1980s. His tenure as President was marked by further protests against the oppressive Iranian regime following the death of Mahsa Amini, a woman who died in police custody in 2022 after being arrested for allegedly not wearing her hijab correctly.

At least 500 protesters were killed as Iranian authorities suppressed the protests. Tens of thousands of protesters were arrested.” Read more.

‘Butcher of Tehran’ Dead But Raisi’s Legacy Continues As Iran Appoints Acting President – “The late President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash on Sunday, was a known quantity to the U.S. government because of his massacres of Iranian citizens. The Trump administration sanctioned Raisi for his role in carrying out the massacre of 5,000 Iranian political prisoners in 1988 and for his role in the clerical regime’s slaughter of 1,500 Iranian demonstrators in 2019… ‘Raisi was one of the most evil men serving one of the most brutal regimes in existence today. The people of Iran will never forget his crimes. His death will present major challenges for the succession to Khamenei.'” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
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