Home > Radical Islam > Palestinian Official And Abbas Advisor Threatens Israel With 100+ More October 7th Massacres

Palestinian Official And Abbas Advisor Threatens Israel With 100+ More October 7th Massacres

Are these beasts supposed to be the more moderate replacements of Hamas? Behind the eyes of this “man” is a form of demonic possession, the same demonic entities of hate and violence that possess the militants of Hamas

Palestinian Media Watch – “In an interview two days ago, top PA official and PA Chairman Abbas’ advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash threatened Israel that ‘Oct. 7 can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously.’ Al-Habbash envisions 100 times murder of over 1,000 innocent Israeli civilians: babies, children, youth, women, men, and elderly. He vows that 100 times Israeli women will be brutally raped, 100 times Israeli men will be sadistically killed, 100 times over 200 innocent Israeli civilians will be taken captive and held hostage for months. This will happen ‘if the Palestinian cause will not be justly, comprehensively, and permanently resolved… on the basis of the UN resolutions’ …” Read more.

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