Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Egypt: Number of Abducted Christian Girls Being Forced to Convert to Islam Since the Revolution Has Skyrocketed

Egypt: Number of Abducted Christian Girls Being Forced to Convert to Islam Since the Revolution Has Skyrocketed

“(AINA) — The number of Christian girls abducted and coerced into converting to Islam since the Egyptian “January 25 Revolution” has skyrocketed, according to Father Filopateer Gamil of St. Mary’s Church in Giza. ‘More than two to three girls disappear everyday in Giza alone,’ he said. ‘The cases that are brought to public attention are few compared to what the numbers actually are.’

Many Christians blame the military council for not intervening to put an end to this problem, which has escalated after the Revolution because of the ’emergence of Muslim Salafists,’ says activist Mark Ebeid, ‘who believe strongly that converting a Christian Infidel is in some ways like earning a ticket to paradise — not to mention the earthly remuneration they get from the Saudis.’

Jackline Ibrahim Fakhry, 17, disappeared from a town on the outskirts of Cairo, prompting her parents to stage a sit-in until her appearance. They accused 31-year old Muslim Shokry Abdel-Fatah, who used to take lessons with her mother (a teacher) of kidnapping her. After she returned, Shokry said in a television interview that he has loved her since she was nine years old. He brought her to Alexandria where she met many sheikhs to convert, but she refused.” Read more.

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