Home > Anything Else > The Obama Nation That Maketh Desolate: Vets Outraged As Florida Dems Fly American Flag With Obama’s Face On It

The Obama Nation That Maketh Desolate: Vets Outraged As Florida Dems Fly American Flag With Obama’s Face On It

By Madeleine Morgenstern – “An American flag featuring an image of President Barack Obama’s face was removed from outside a local Florida Democratic Party headquarters Tuesday after several veterans called it ‘despicable’ and a ‘desecration,’ the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Veterans gathered Tuesday afternoon to protest in front of the Lake County Democratic Party headquarters, where the flag — featuring Obama’s face in the blue section where the stars normally go — was flying beneath a traditional American flag. The confrontation ended after party chairwoman Nancy Hurlbert took the flag down, according to the Sentinel.The protest started after Don Van Beck, a Korean war veteran and executive director of the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park in Leesburg, Fla., snapped several pictures of the flag and distributed them to others. He told WFTV-TV seeing it made his blood boil.

‘I can‘t describe how upset was because you just don’t do that to the American flag,’ he told the station.

The group demanded Hurlbert remove the flag, saying it was a violation of the federal flag code that prohibits any ‘marks, insignia, letters, words, figures, designs, picture or drawings of any nature,’ the Leesburg Daily Commercial reported. According to the Sentinel, Hurlbert said she would look into the issue but didn’t take the flag down right away. A short while later, she conceded and removed it.” Read more.

Categories: Anything Else
  1. 03/18/2012 at 12:33 PM

    Obama signed an executive order two days ago (March 16, 2012) that calls for a draft, but not just a draft. A civilian draft, of “persons of outstanding experience or ability” without compensation. If they think they need you, they can compel you to work for the government for nothing.



  2. 03/18/2012 at 2:41 PM

    kurt – we need more people in Canada – any special skills ???? – if Obama gets in for another term it will be a sad day indeed. I find it amazing that the people have not revolted yet. I guess it is like the saying when one is putting the frog in the water and bringing the water to a boil – this is what I see from here up North looking South.


  3. 03/18/2012 at 7:04 PM

    I’m an architect, but people aren’t building much nowadays. Perhaps if there’s a national emergency I’ll get conscripted to design something interesting, which would be better than most of what I’ve been doing lately.


  4. 03/18/2012 at 8:01 PM

    I believe that there is a need for that skill


  5. 03/18/2012 at 10:06 PM

    There certainly seems to be something coming down the pipe with all these controls being put into place over the citizens

    Is America preparing for an unprecedented crisis reminiscent of WWII?


  6. 03/22/2012 at 10:33 PM
  7. ICA
    03/23/2012 at 12:18 AM

    If someone, somewhere, in a more mainstream venue would simply take the time to honestly dive into the data that Arpaio and his team have collected (even for the sake of trying to disprove it) more people would begin taking notice. Why? Because they’d suddenly come to the realization that it can’t be refuted. This is probably one reason why even some of the left-of-left networks such MSNBC haven’t touched it. Where is O’reilly on this? Hannity? Greta? Even Stossel? If anyone would dig into it, one would think it would be one of them. But it astounds me that, to date, they’ve chosen to completely ignore a smoldering powder keg that has the explosive capability to completely destroy Obama’s chances of re-election. I hope this changes.


  8. 03/23/2012 at 1:12 AM

    ICA – I really am not one for those conspiry theories but what is happening every day now almost leads one to think that there is no other conclusion – it clearly seems like there is a plan a blueprint so to speak where someone, some group or thing is controling everything that is happening in the media and within government to some kind of a planned conclusion. There are just to many strange things coming together. Whether it is Satan directed or other ?? If you control the media, the worlds finances through debit which gives them endless leverage plus banks like the Fed, and the governments you can than easily control the masses.

    It may well be related to the financial mess that the world is in as common sense would tell us that there seems to be no out of this mess other than to collapse everything and start over from scratch. By collapsing the worlds financial systems it could clean up the worlds balance sheets – create a one world currency – a one world financial system – and the scary part centralizied control for every finacial transaction.

    The laws being passed in Europe and the US just within the last few weeks and even days lend or point to this conclusion. It is like we the masses are like sheep being lead to the slaughter. What does the bible say – “The borrower is slave to the lender” and I think this is maybe how we and the nations and the masses are being controled by the banksters of the world. One can see this in how they are trying to fix the credit markets in Europe – the banks have no intention of writing off debit – it is the bond holders and the people the masses that governments cut to loose jobs and pensions etc. the bankers still want their old debits paid.

    Just my thoughts


  9. 03/23/2012 at 1:12 AM

    The Manchurian, I mean Indonesian, candidate.


  10. 03/23/2012 at 1:14 AM

    Have you done much study into the “two houses” (House of Judah, House of Israel) subject?


  11. Willard
    03/23/2012 at 1:13 PM

    Actually Kurt I have not given much thought to the “two houses” I find this a bit difficult to understand correctly – I do understand what it is about but would not be able to debate it – may have to look into it a bit more deeply but I am always stretched for time – much stuff I still want to study


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