Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > ‘Diabolical’: Christians Are Being Tortured, Slaughtered In The Sinai Just For Being Christians, ‘I Was Hung For Days’

‘Diabolical’: Christians Are Being Tortured, Slaughtered In The Sinai Just For Being Christians, ‘I Was Hung For Days’

Revelation 6:9-11, “… I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’ Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.”

By Chris Mitchell, CBN News – “JERUSALEM, Israel — From the West Coast of Africa to the deserts of Sinai, Bedouin tribes are conducting a human trafficking trade on a massive scale.

It’s no secret. The trade reaps millions of dollars and deals with human misery. It could be stopped but so far no one has dared.

‘By that time I had lost sense (sensation) in both my hands,’ an Eritrean torture victim told CBN News. ‘It was a result of the accumulated torture but mainly because (both) of my wrists were tied up so tightly, (and I was) hanged up from the ceiling for three days, the blood was cut off from my hands and the flesh started to literally drip from my hands.’

This man is just one victim of this widespread modern-day slavery, kidnapping, and torture trade in the Sinai desert. There are many pictures and videos of this horrible practice on the Internet.

For this story, this Christian man from the African country of Eritrea is going by ‘Philip,’ but that’s not his real name. CBN News covered his identity for his protection.

‘In some cases, we were tortured simply because we were Christians,’ he told us, his chest trembling slightly as he spoke.

‘Sinai was always a place for human smuggling, but since around two years ago — even a bit more — it started also to be a place of human torture,’ Shahar Shoham, director of Physicians for Human Rights, told CBN News.

Shorham has documented more than 1,300 cases of torture in the Sinai. Those survivors, like Philip, made it to Israel. But most of the cases of torture are not documented.

‘They torture them in horrible methods, like hanging upside down from the ceiling, like using electric shocks, like burning them on their bodies,’ Shorham said...

This story begins in Eritrea, where many like Philip fled from its brutal dictatorship. He traveled to a United Nations refugee camp in Sudan. There he was kidnapped by a Bedouin tribe.

They transferred him — along with many others — through Sudan, Egypt, and all the way to the Sinai desert and their torture camps.

What happens next in these camps is diabolical.” Read more.

Unsealed: A Closer Look At Revelation 6 And ‘The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse’ – “John describes the rider of the Black Horse in Revelation 6:5 as having ‘scales’ or ‘balances’ in his hands, employing the Greek word ‘zygos‘ which is also used metaphorically to refer to any sort of ‘burden’ or ‘bondage’ as well as the imposition of ‘troublesome laws’ … conduct must be based upon a strict set of Islamic laws, called the Sharia, and anyone failing to follow ‘Allah’s’ burdensome edicts must suffer draconian punishments, non-Musims included… The fruit of Islam and its laws have produced and will continue to produce the type of conditions that precipitate and perpetuate all sort of pestilences, all manner of plagues, any number of conflicts and hardships both inside and outside the Islamic world… It is my view that we are already within the 5th Seal … After a relative lull, Islamic persecution has literally exploded once again in the aftermath of 9/11 and the rise of the Arab Spring. The Prophet Daniel writes that this final Beast would be ‘dreadful and terrifying’ and would ‘speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One’ …” Read more.

Flashback: Saudi Arabia: Prominent Religious Leader Calls For Slavery To Be Legalized Once Again Because ‘Slavery Is A Part Of Islam’ – “Slavery is explicitly permitted in the Koran.  Recently Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a prominent Saudi religious leader called for slavery to be re-legalized throughout the kingdom.  According to the Sheik, a member of the Senior Council of Clerics:  ‘Slavery is a part of Islam.  Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.’ In thought and deed this way of thinking is common throughout the Islamic world.  Abu Ishaq al-Huwanini, an Egyptian Cleric proudly proclaims he wishes to apply the ancient Shar’i code of enslaving populations which refuse to pay the jizia (poll tax) or converting to Islam when defeated at the hands of a Muslim nation.” Read more.

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