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Iranian Cleric: We Can Build A Nuclear Bomb In Two Weeks To ‘Put Down Israel’

They’re “not looking for a nuclear bomb” — even though Iran absolutely requires them to prepare for the coming of Islam’s messiah and to destroy Israel, a policy from which they will never withdraw. It seems to me that they’re not looking for a nuclear bomb (singular) because what they’re really looking for are multiple nukes …

Hadith, Al Bukhari 4.268, “Allah’s Prophet [Mohammed] said, ‘War is deceit.’”

By Adam Kredo, The Washington Free Beacon – “A top Iranian lawmaker and cleric said that the country’s uranium enrichment program could allow it to build a nuclear weapon ‘in two weeks’ in order to ‘put down Israel,’ according to multiple reports in the Farsi language press.

Iranian lawmaker and cleric Muhammad Nabavian said on Friday that Iran would be able to build a nuclear bomb in ‘two weeks’ if it gets ‘access to 270 kilograms of 20 percent [enriched uranium], 10 tons of 5 percent, and 20 thousand centrifuges,’ according to reports on Iran’s Radio Farda and in Fararu.

‘We are not looking for a nuclear bomb, but having a nuclear bomb is necessary to put down Israel,’ Nabavian said, according to an independent translation of his remarks provided to the Washington Free Beacon.

Nabavian went on to claim that President Barack Obama had courted Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in the lead up to nuclear negotiations with the West last year.

Nabavian said Rouhani revealed in a private meeting that the U.S. president reached out to his Iranian counterpart on at least five separate occasions prior to Rouhani’s visit last year to New York City.

Rouhani ultimately refused to meet with Obama at the time despite the private overtures.

Iran’s parliament on Sunday reportedly approved and sent to Rouhani a bill demanding that Tehran enrich uranium up to 60 percent, levels just shy of those needed to fuel a nuclear weapon.” Read more.

Flashback: Ayatollah Khomeini: Iran Needs Nuclear Weapons To Prepare For The Arrival Of The Islamic Messiah And Bring The World Under Islamic Rule – “A just unveiled 2009 internal International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) document summarizes a conversation with then Iran’s president, Ayatollah Khamenei. The ayatollah explained ‘During a [1984] meeting …the spiritual leader Iman Khomeini had decided to reactivate the nuclear program.’ … President Khamenei explained ‘This [possessing nuclear weapons] was the only way to secure the very essence of the Islamic revolution from the schemes of its enemies … and to prepare it for the emergence of Imam Mehdi [messiah],’ who would bring the world under Islamic rule.” Read more.

Flashback: Iran: Spiritual Leaders Declare Use Of Nuclear Weapons As LAWFUL Under Sharia – “‘The spiritual leaders of the ultra-conservatives [in Iran] have accepted the use of nuclear weapons as lawful in the eyes of shari’a. Mohsen Gharavian, a disciple of [Ayatollah] Mesbah Yazdi [who is Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor] … stated that ‘in terms of shari’a, it all depends on the goal.’… he said for the first time that the use of nuclear weapons may not constitute a problem according to shari’a. He further said that ‘when the entire world is armed with nuclear weapons, it is permissible to use these weapons as a counter-[measure]. According to shari’a, too, only the goal is important…’” Read more.

Flashback: New Pro-Nuclear Iran Prez Bragged About Deceiving The West In The Past, And May Be Used To Deceive The West Again – “Is Iran’s new President elect Hassan Rouhani really a moderate and a reformer? Fat chance. The fact that the 12-member Guardians Council of clerics permitted his candidacy — not to mention the ‘Annihilate-Israel-And-Kill-All-Jews-Worldwide’ Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei himself — should speak volumes. Islam is the law of the land in Iran and the Qur’an is the quintessential source of influence for the Islamic Republic’s own constitution as well as its foreign policy, one that openly calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. And when the ‘infallible god’ of Islam is called ‘the best of deceivers’ by such a quintessential book, we can be certain that The Office of the Supreme Leader will do everything in its power to mimic Allah’s ‘divine’ example …” Read more.

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