
Archive for 01/29/2014

President Obama’s Brother Declares His Intent To Destroy Israel

01/29/2014 Leave a comment

For peaceful purposes, of course. Even though the article notes up front that President Obama may not be his brother’s keeper, the President himself certainly believes that he is. And it may be true in more ways than one. Given the fact that the President believes an Israeli pull back to pre-1967 borders should be the basis for the creation of a Palestinian state certainly seems to advocate similar intent: For “peace” Israel must first be destroyed

By Thomas Lifson, American Thinker – “President Obama may not be his brother’s keeper, but he certainly has honored his half-brother Malik. When he married Michelle Robinson, his best man was Malik. And the president of the Barack H. Obama Foundation? None other than Malik. And that very foundation was fast-tracked to nonprofit status approval at the same time that Tea Party affiliates were being grilled on the content of their prayers.

The Barack H. Obama Foundation was fast-tracked to IRS tax-exempt status at the same time that the IRS was abusing numerous Tea Party and conservative groups. While those groups’ tax-exempt applications were taking two years and mountains of paperwork and invasive queries about their memberships and activities, the Barack H. Obama Foundation won its status in just 30 days. That status was back-dated 38 months, which is against the law.

So when Malik Obama posts a picture of himself to the Foundation website, it carries a certain presidential imprimatur. Bryan Preston of PJ Media posted it:

That scarf is pretty special. See this close-up: Read more…