Home > Anything Else, Cosmic Craziness, Radical Islam > Oops: Senior Saudi Cleric Confirms The Qur’an Teaches That The Sun Revolves Around The Earth

Oops: Senior Saudi Cleric Confirms The Qur’an Teaches That The Sun Revolves Around The Earth

Qur’an Sura 5:101a, “O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble …”

If the “holy” Qur’an were truly holy it would need to be divine in origin. To be divine in origin would necessitate that any and all its claims be free from error, be they historical or scientific. Science has shown us that the sun does not set in a spring of murky water. The Qur’an says otherwise (Sura 18:86).  Science has confirmed that the earth is spherical. The Qur’an says otherwise (Sura 2:22, 15:19, 50:7, 78:6-7, 88:20). Science discovered that the stars are not close to us. The Qur’an says otherwise (Sura 37:6). Science discovered that the moon does not emit light but rather reflects it. The Qur’an says otherwise (Sura 71:16). Science discovered that the earth did not exist before the creation of the universe. The Qur’an says otherwise (Sura 2:29). Science discovered that male sperm comes from the testicles, not from between the backbone and the ribs. The Qur’an says otherwise (Sura 86:6-7). Science discovered that flesh is formed before bones. The Qur’an, yet again, says otherwise (Sura 23:14). We can go on and on, but these blatant errors alone — embarrassing errors that Muslims are forced to somehow reinterpret, rationalize and otherwise explain away — all beg the question: What else in the “holy” Qur’an wrong about? …

Saudi Cleric Saleh Al-Fawzan, Member of the Saudi Council of Senior Scholars, 1/23/2014 – “[Interviewer]: Allah says in a Koranic verse: ‘And the sun runs towards its stopping point. That is the determination of the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing.’ Does the sun revolve around the earth? [Cleric]: There is no doubt about it. The Koran says: ‘The sun runs …’ Nevertheless, they say that the sun stands in place and the Earth moves. This contradicts the Koran… Ignoring the Koran and adopting modern theories is not something a Muslim can do. A Muslim must follow the Koran.”

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