
Posts Tagged ‘Christian beheading’

‘His Head Almost Completely Cut Off’ – Iraqi Christian Kidnapped by Iraqi Insurgents and Killed

05/16/2011 1 comment

“KIRKUK, Iraq — Iraqi insurgents killed and mutilated a Christian construction worker whom they had kidnapped over the weekend and demanded $100,000 in ransom for, police and medical officials said on Monday.

Ashur Issa Yaqub, a 29-year-old Chaldean Christian, had been snatched on Saturday in the oil-rich ethnically-mixed northern city of Kirkuk, and is survived by his wife and three children.

‘A police patrol found the body of the young Christian man, his head was almost completely cut off,’ said Kirkuk provincial police chief Major General Jamal Taher Bakr, adding that he believed Al-Qaeda insurgents were behind the gruesome killing.”  Read more.

Christian Beheaded by Islamists, More Face a Menacing Upsurge in Attacks Across the World

04/16/2011 3 comments

“Recent incidents of brutal anti-Christian violence and persecution suggest that vulnerable believers are facing a menacing upsurge in such attacks across the world.

For example, in Afghanistan the Muslim Taliban have beheaded an Afghan Christian, Abdul Latif, in Herat Province. A video of the murder sent to Barnabas Aid shows one of the killers saying:

All praise be to our creator almighty god that he helped and blessed the holy warriors … so that we can implement the commandment of god on this infidel … so that he is punished according to his wrong deed, he is punished according to the commandment of god so that it is a warning to other infidels.

They shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘god is great’) over and over again during the beheading, and they bring an execution notice to hang on the wall.”  Read more.