
Posts Tagged ‘Jerome Corsi’

You’re Forged! Trump Declares Obama’s Birth Certificate Fake

05/26/2011 1 comment

“Billionaire businessman Donald Trump, who staged a weeks-long public campaign questioning Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president during March and April – and rose to the top of the pool of potential candidates for the 2012 GOP nomination then as a result – says he believes the ‘birth certificate’ released by the White House is forged.

His comments came yesterday in a telephone call to WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., who is appearing on wall-to-wall radio programs – between 10 and 20 per day – to respond to questions about his latest best-seller, ‘Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President.’

Trump asked Corsi about the book, its evidence and what is happening next in the effort to document whether Obama is, in fact, constitutionally qualified for the presidency under Article 2, Section 1’s ‘natural born citizen’ requirement.

Trump said his period of almost-complete silence on the issue following the release by the White House on April 27 of the image of a ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ from the state of Hawaii was not because he was satisfied with the document.

‘I always said I wanted to know if it was real,’ Trump told Corsi.

The image has been challenged by a number of experts in the field, and the original, of course, has yet to be seen, much less analyzed.” Read more.

Update: You’re flustered! Trump can’t get his story straight – “WASHINGTON – Donald Trump today issued a written statement to the leftist Mother Jones magazine and other news outlets denying he told Jerome Corsi, author of a new bestselling book about Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility, he suspected the birth certificate released by the White House is fraudulent… However, Corsi says Trump repeated a conversation he had weeks ago in a conference call with WND Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah in which the building magnate said he is concerned about the validity of the document released April 27 by the Obama White House. Farah confirms Trump questioned the authenticity of the birth certificate and said others around him do as well.” Read more.

Update 2: Trump’s back! Casting doubt on birth certificate – “After fanning the flames of doubt that pressured Barack Obama to publicize a purported copy of his official birth certificate, Donald Trump’s latest statements suggest the White House-released document may be a fake. ‘I don’t know exactly what he showed,’ Trump told the Faith & Freedom Coalition annual conference in Washington, D.C., over the weekend, ‘but you know, someday somebody’s gonna figure that one out.'” Read more.

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