
Posts Tagged ‘long form’

More Expert Analysis: Obama’s ‘Birth Certificate’ Was Changed

05/05/2011 Leave a comment

“[T]he supposed ‘copy’ [of Barak Obama’s recent ‘birth certificate’] that was made to the public has now been expertly analyzed.  It was analyzed by Ivan Zatkovich of Tampa-based eComp Consultants, an expert in technology.  His company consults on intellectual property for telecommunications, web publishing and e-commerce.  He has provided services for corporations such as McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin, Citicorp, and   He has 28 years experience in computer science and document management, and for more than 10 years he has been an expert witness providing testimony in federal court in both criminal and civil litigation.  He has confirmed that the multiple layers of the .PDF document made available to the public are deviants from what is normal.  Here is what he says: ‘All of the overlays were of a higher resolution than the background layer.  This suggests that the overlays were created to enhance that content.  The only two plausible explanations for this pattern of layers is someone was changing the content of both the text and the stamps, or someone was systematically enhancing the black text layers for legibility and then enhancing the stamp overlayers separately for legibility… It is possible though that in addition to enhancing the legibility of the document that the content of the document was also changed, but the evidence clearly indicates that the document was changed.'”

To see more, please watch the video below:

Wikipedia Knows Obama is Not Eligible to be President, Scrubs Vattel Reference to ‘Natural Born Citizenship’

05/05/2011 Leave a comment

A reference to a key source, cited by the Founding Fathers in their development of the Constitutional qualifications for the Office of Presidency, is now missing from Wikipedia’s entry on Natural Born Citizenship in the wake of Barack Obama releasing his “long form birth certificate”.   Emmerich de Vattel defined ‘Natural Born Citizenship’ in his 1757 landmark treaties “The Law of the Nations” as “those born in the country of parents who are citizens” …

Why is this important?  Watch the video below …

Colorado Graphic Artist Questions Obama Birth Certificate

05/04/2011 1 comment

By Don Coleman – “GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. — Even after the White House offered up President Obama’s birth certificate, there are still those who are questioning it’s legitimacy.

One Grand Junction man who works as a graphic artist says he has discovered something strange about the certificate. ‘There’s no doubt that it has been edited and quite significantly,’ James Colby said.

He’s been involved in graphic arts since 2004 and has never had a reason to doubt our president’s birthplace. In fact, he says he is politically independent. Yet, Colby says he can’t ignore the obvious.

After downloading the birth certificate straight off of the White House’s website, he started noticing the apparent flaws in a computer program called Adobe Illustrator.

‘Legitimate digitized, scanned documents will always have [a] faded appearance… There are too many jagged features, here.’ he said as the scoured the certificate. ‘So, it’s not a single document, it’s actually ‘compositive’ layers.'”  Read more.

Why Does Obama Have 2 Different Birth Doctors?

05/04/2011 3 comments

By Bob Unruh – “The White House release of a copy of Barack Obama’s long-form Hawaian birth certificate continues to raise more questions – since the name of the president’s attending physician differs from previous published reports.

The name on the purported birth certificate lists Dr. David Sinclair as the obstetrician who delivered Obama in 1961.

But reports by the Buffalo News and supposedly confirmed by the hoaxbusting website indicate the name of Obama’s birth physician was Dr. Rodney T. West.

Here is an image of what the White House claims is Obama’s official, long-form birth certificate, with Sinclair’s name listed as the doctor.

Yet a report that West was the attending physician – and not Sinclair – comes from, the self-described ‘definitive Internet reference source’:

Read more.

Opinion Maker: World Intelligence Agencies Call Obama’s ‘Birth Certificate’ a Blatant Forgery

05/01/2011 1 comment

Even if this is true I am sure that we’ll not be hearing any official statements from foreign intelligence agencies any time soon with respect to the veracity of Obama’s recent ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ release.  It wouldn’t be politically expedient.  Regardless, it seems to me that this release is having the opposite effect than the pro-Obama naysayers envisioned:  instead of dousing the flame of the ‘Birther’ movement and the upcoming release of Jerome  R. Corsi’s book (the Trump machine notwithstanding), this release has done nothing but add fuel to the fire.

On one hand, Obama supporters will proclaim this document as real and absolute proof that he was born in the US.  On the other hand, ‘Birthers’ will see this as proof that Obama continues to lie and conceal facts surrounding the true nature of his status.  And some of those in between who were not ‘Birthers’ before this past week are forced to raise an eyebrow or two, seeing good reason to give credence to the movement now more than ever before…

By Wayne Madsen – “From intelligence agencies around the world, the verdict on President Obama’s newly-released certificate of live birth from Hawaii is in: the certificate is a rank forgery on the same level as the Niger ‘yellow cake’ uranium and Iraq Oil Ministry forged documents. Intelligence and law enforcement services are experts on fake documents since they have to deal with large numbers of counterfeit documents, such as birth certificates, passports, identity cards and driver’s licenses, as well as currency. Intelligence agencies are also experts at forging their own documents for their clandestine agents.

Within 24-hours of the release of the long form Certificate of Live Birth on April 27, intelligence agencies from Britain and China to Germany and Russia examined the document and concluded it was a forgery based on the fact that Barack H. Obama Sr.’s race, listed as ‘African,’ was a monumental error, considering that not only the United States, but other English-speaking nations described Africans and those of African descent as either ‘Negroes’ or ‘blacks’ in 1961.”  Read more.