Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Report: United States and Allied Nations Begin Moving Troops, Firepower Into Persian Gulf Region

Report: United States and Allied Nations Begin Moving Troops, Firepower Into Persian Gulf Region

By Madison Ruppert – “According to Azerbaijani Trend News Agency, Interfax has reported via Israeli sources that the United States and allied nations have begun to move troops and other firepower into the Persian Gulf Region.

According to the report, troops have already arrived just south of the Strait of Hormuz at the Omani island of Masirah, where an American Air Force base is located.

This appears to be on top of the 15,000 troops in Kuwait, three carrier strike groups to be in the region, arming of states surrounding Iran, and more, all of which has been heavily documented on End the Lie for some time now.

According to Trend, the Huffington Post has also reported that an American base on the British isle of Diego Garcia, located in the Indian Ocean, now has hundreds of ‘concrete-bomb[s] capable of destroying fortified underground bunkers’ which one assumes is referring to the so-called ‘bunker buster’ bombs or Massive Ordinance Penetrators (MOPs).

If true, this would be interesting given that United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta just claimed that the current bombs are not capable of totally destroying Iranian underground facilities.

There are also reports of Saudi Arabia moving parts of their ground forces into the Eastern portion of their nation, which is where the main oil production facilities are located.

This would be in addition to the new and refurbished jets being brought into Saudi Arabia thanks to the United States.” Read more.

Iran launches new military exercises in south – “Iran began ground military exercises Saturday and defiantly warned that it could cut off oil exports to ‘hostile’ European nations as tensions rise over suggestions that military strikes are an increasing possibility if sanctions fail to rein in the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Tehran has stepped up its rhetoric as international pressure mounts over allegations that it is seeking to develop atomic weapons, a charge it denies. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued stern warnings against any possible U.S. or Israeli attacks against Tehran’s nuclear facilities. Western forces also have boosted their naval presence in the Gulf led by the American aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.” Read more.

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