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That Didn’t Take Long: Palestinians Congratulate Obama, Already Demand Promised Support For Statehood Bid

By STUART WINER, Times of Israel – “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday issued a statement congratulating US President Barack Obama on his election victory and encouraging him to continue his efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said he hoped Obama’s second term in office would see the establishment of a Palestinian state. Erekat added that, with the Palestinians determined to bid for nonmember state status at the UN this month, he expected the president to show support for the move.

‘We have decided to take the Palestinian issue to the UN and we hope that Obama will stand by this Palestinian right,’ Erekat said. ‘What Obama needs to do is stop the Israeli settlement policy and not act to stop the Palestinian activity at the UN.’

Palestinian rival Hamas called on Obama to alter his country’s foreign policy concerning Arab and Palestinian affairs. The group’s spokesman urged the president to stop favoring Israel and examine the ‘Palestinians’ legal rights.’

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi said he trusted Obama would use his second term to act in the best interests of the US and Egypt.

In a telegram of congratulations released by the official news agency MENA, Morsi said he hoped for a ‘strengthening of the friendship between the two countries to serve their common interests, namely justice, freedom and peace.'” Read more.

And when the Egyptian President refers to the “common interests” of “justice, freedom and peace” make no mistake about it: Morsi is referring to the elimination of free-speech and the “liberation” of Jerusalem from the Zionist entity known as Israel …

PA to Push for UN Nonmember Status This Month, Abbas Confirms – “The Palestinians will push forward with their bid for nonmember status at the United Nations in November, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday. In a meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Amman, Abbas told Lavrov that the PA would submit its request for nonmember status to the 193-member UN General Assembly. The move would essentially provide non-binding international recognition of a Palestinian state. After the meeting, the PA’s chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said Lavrov had expressed support for the PA’s diplomatic bid, Ynet reported.” Read more.

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