
Archive for 08/28/2013

Fort Hood Jihadist Killer Nidal Hasan Sentenced To Death

08/28/2013 Leave a comment

Today he believes that he’s been sentenced to paradise. But given the fact that Nidal Hasan could be waiting years for the “punishment” to be carried out, we should pray that his blinded eyes be opened to the Truth before death comes knocking on his cell door …

Matthew 5:44-45a, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven …”

By MICHAEL GRACZYK and NOMAAN MERCHANT, Associated Press – “A military jury on Wednesday sentenced Maj. Nidal Hasan to death for the 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, delivering the only punishment the Army believed fit for an attack on fellow unarmed soldiers. The sentence was one that Hasan also appeared to seek in a self-proclaimed effort to become a martyr.

The American-born Muslim, who has said he acted to protect Islamic insurgents abroad from American aggression, never denied killing 13 people at the Texas military base. In opening statements, he acknowledged that evidence would show he was the shooter and described himself as a soldier who had ‘switched sides.’

The same jurors who convicted Hasan last week had just two options on Wednesday: either agree unanimously that Hasan should die or watch the 42-year-old get an automatic sentence of life in prison with no chance of parole.

‘What Nidal Hasan wanted was to be a martyr and so many of the (victims’) families had spoken to the issue of not giving him what he wants because this is his own personal holy war,’ said Kathy Platoni, an Army reservist who still struggles with images of Capt. John Gaffaney bleeding to death at her feet.

‘But on the other hand, this is from the bottom of my heart, he doesn’t deserve to live,’ she said. ‘I don’t know how long it takes for a death sentence to be carried out, but the world will be a better place without him.’

Hasan had no visible reaction when the verdict was read, staring first at the jury forewoman and then at the judge. Some victims’ relatives were in the courtroom but also showed no reaction, which the judge had warned against before the verdict.

Officials said Hasan will be taken back to a county jail and then transported on the first available military flight to the military prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. The timing on the flight wasn’t immediately clear.

Hasan could become the first American soldier executed in more than half a century. But because the military justice system requires a lengthy appeals process, years or even decades could pass before he is put to death.

In his final plea for a rare military death sentence, the lead prosecutor assured jurors earlier Wednesday that Hasan would ‘never be a martyr’ despite his attempt to tie the attack to religion.

‘He is a criminal. He is a cold-blooded murderer,’ Col. Mike Mulligan said.” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam

Iran Promises ‘Thousands Of Missiles’ Will Rain Down Upon Israel If Syria Is Attacked

08/28/2013 3 comments

According to the Islamic Republic, any attack on Syria will be considered an attack on Iran

Update: Israel is now calling up reservists due to threats from Syria and Iran …

By Reza Kahlili, WND – “Iran is threatening to launch a massive missile strike against Israel if the United States attacks Syria for using chemical weapons against its own people, which could touch off a full-blown war in the region.

‘The day of reckoning is near,’ according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

An Op-Ed penned by Shariatmadari Tuesday warned that the impending confrontation between the West and Syria would ‘provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge against Israel and America.’

The editor recalled the U.S.-led attack on Baghdad on March 20, 2003, and President George W. Bush’s boast to reporters seven days later that the ‘Iraq war is over.’ But when the last U.S. soldiers were leaving Iraq in December 2011, nearly 4,500 Americans had been killed and the war had cost America trillions of dollars.

Shariatmadari said that Washington, instead of open war against Syria, has been waging a proxy war against the Assad regime with the help of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt. He said now it is ready to directly confront Syria militarily, one of the members of the Resistance Front along with Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. However, despite Syrian rebels receiving financial and military support from those Middle East countries, not only has the Assad regime not been overthrown but it has opened a ‘new chapter for the Resistance where it formed the forces of ‘defense of Homeland,’ a force similar to the Basij militias (in Iran).’

Iran has long drawn a red line around the Assad regime. And Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon, Israel’s neighbor, are armed with thousands of missiles. The three members of the Resistance Front have a joint war room.

‘Because of the failure of the intended proxy war, America and some Arab and European countries are preparing to attack Syria on the false claims that the Assad regime has used chemical weapons,’ the editor said. ‘However, America can certainly start the war but it won’t be the one to end it.’

Shariatmadari said that Israel is the ‘Achilles’ heel of America and its European allies and without a doubt with the start of an attack on Syria, thousands of missiles will rain down all over the occupied lands (Israel), which will destroy its critical facilities as it was obvious that its missile defense system (the Iron Dome) could not prevent missiles reaching Tel Aviv.’

He also warned Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and others who support attacking Syria that they themselves will come under attack from Syria.

‘Muslims should welcome the news of an attack on Syria as it will provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge, which should destroy the enemies of Islam,’ Shariatmadari concluded.

Seyed Reza Taghavai, the head of Iran’s Policy Council of Friday Prayers, hinted that Khamenei is Read more…

Canada: Muslim Cleric In Brampton Preaches Adulterers, Gays Can Benefit From Being Stoned To Death

08/28/2013 15 comments

The Youtube video in question has since been removed, but his twisted views remain …

Hadith, Ibn Ishaq 970, “The adulterer must be stoned.”

Hadith Sahih Muslim 17:4206, “Khalid b Walid came forward with a stone which he flung at her head and there spurted blood on the face of Khalid and so he abused her [Woman who confesses to adultery is ‘purified’ by being stoned to death].”

Hadith, Abu Dawud 4448, “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.”

Hadith, al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152, “[Muhammad said] ‘Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver.'”

By Simon Kent, Toronto Sun – “Death to all sinners! Homosexuals and adulterers, you better start start running, because this means you!

Oyez, oyez, let’s all watch as Sheikh Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak of Brampton takes his death by stoning show on the road and brings it to a neighborhood near you.

Oh, yes!

Oh, no.

Have a look at the YouTube video and you will have some insight into a man who truly believes that ‘sinners’, as defined by his own interpretation of Islamic law, can truly benefit from a jolly good stoning.

Listen as he explains that a Muslim who is sentenced to death by stoning actually benefits from this gruesome capital punishment as his or her soul is being purified even as the stones rain down on their head.

It would almost be funny if it were in a Monty Python movie. Almost, but not quite, because there is no joke to make about a medieval form of punishment like stoning.

More importantly, why is it that in the 21st century people can free to spew such hateful material all in the name of religion?

Alas, it might be more widely spread than Canadians would believe.

In 2010, the Pew Research Centre in Washington published the results of an extensive poll of Middle East countries and tapped into their views of modern life.

According to the Pew results, at least three-quarters of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan say they would favour making each of the following the law in their countries: stoning people who commit adultery, whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery and the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion.

Majorities of Muslims in Jordan and Nigeria also favour these harsh punishments.” Read more.

Flashback: Uh Oh, Canada

Categories: Radical Islam

Syrian Official: If Damascus Is Attacked, Israel Will Be Set On Fire

08/28/2013 3 comments

The future of Israel is already known. So is the future of Damascus …

Isaiah 17:1, “The burden against Damascus. ‘Behold, Damascus will cease from [being] a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.’”

By Elad Benari, INN – “A senior official in the Syrian army warned the United States and its partners on Tuesday that waging a full-scale war on Syria would be reciprocated with an immediate attack on Tel Aviv.

‘If Damascus comes under attack, Tel Aviv will be targeted too and a full-scale war against Syria will actually issue a license for attacking Israel,’ the Syrian army source told the Iranian Fars news agency.

‘Rest assured that if Syria is attacked, Israel will also be set on fire and such an attack will, in turn, engage Syria’s neighbors,’ he added.

The source also warned the U.S. and other Western states that if Syria grows weak, certain irresponsible groups will be formed which will endanger Israel’s security.

‘Therefore, weakening the central government in Damascus will actually start growing attacks on Israel and will create insecurity for that regime,’ he claimed.

‘Thus, a U.S. attack on Syria will herald frequent strikes and attacks on Israel, not just by Damascus and its allies in retaliation, but by extremist groups who will find a ground for staging their aspirations,’ he concluded.” Read more.

Flashback: Hezbollah May Be Receiving Weapons Of Mass Destruction From Syria – “French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Saturday that Israel has asked Western countries to stop their diplomatic campaign against the Syrian regime for fear that the weapons of mass destruction of the Syrian regime will fall in the hands of Hezbollah and Hamas. The newspaper said the chief of military intelligence in the Israeli army, Major-General Aviv Kochavi has relayed the Israeli position during his visit to the United Nations headquarters in New York a few weeks ago. According to a French diplomat Kochavi warned that the Syrian arsenal of weapons will be directed at Israel if the regime of Bashar al-Assad falls.” Read more.

Flashback: Top Syrian Cleric Warns West: If You Attack Syria We Will ‘Prepare Suicide Bombers Who Are Already In Your Countries’ – “Syria’s top Sunni Muslim cleric has warned Western countries against military intervention, threatening to retaliate with suicide bombings in the United States and Europe if his country comes under attack. Grand Mufti Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun gave a speech and told the U.S. and Europe that ‘we will prepare suicide bombers who are already in your countries if you bomb Syria or Lebanon.’” Read more.

Flashback: ‘Expect Bigger Surprises’: Iran Arms Hezbollah With Chemical Weapons – “As the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas faction is escalating and rockets are hitting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Iran announced Friday that its missiles were being used against the Jewish state. Rockets hit Tel Aviv Thursday for the first time since the 1991 Persian Gulf War when Iraqi scuds threatened the city. On Friday, Jerusalem also came under rocket fire from Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. According to a source in the Revolutionary Guards intelligence division, Iran has large stockpiles of chemical and microbial weapons and it has armed the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah with them. It also has Quds Forces in Gaza and other Palestinian territories to help Hamas and Islamic Jihad in setting up underground rocket facilities while training and supervising the Palestinians in launching attacks on Israel.” Read more.

Egypt: Christian Schools, Churches, Orphanages Burnt To Erase All Traces Of Christianity In Minya

08/28/2013 Leave a comment

More lawlessness and the elimination of history. For peaceful purposes …

Daniel 7:25a, “He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law …”

AsiaNews – “With at least 20 attacks against churches, Christian schools and orphanages, Minya Governorate is the part of ​​Egypt where Islamists struck with greatest violence and brutality.

‘The Islamists’, one resident said, ‘burnt and destroyed everything. Their goal was to erase all the traces of a Christian presence; even the orphanages were looted and destroyed.’

After storming the Prince Tadros el-Shatbi Church, the armed Islamic extremists turned their attention to two homes for disadvantaged children located near the parish church, residents said.

They stole church offerings, clothes, and children’s games before torching the entire building. The fire lasted over 5 hours.

‘Fortunately,’ the source said, ‘the children were taken to safety before the arrival of the Islamists.’

Like other Christians sites, the two homes that housed hundreds of orphans are now a pile of rubble.

The criminals did not only destroy the two orphanages but also the homes of some families working for the orphanages as well as a nearby art gallery that sold objects and artefacts made by orphans to raise money.

Shurkri Huzayn, 40, is the orphanage guard. He, too, grew up as an orphan at the facility. He witnessed the Salafist attack.

‘What kind of people are they? Even unbelievers would not attack an orphanage,’ he said.

Islamists raged particularly against anything that symbolised the Christianity and modernity, including computers.

After they left the building, the terrorists burnt nearby shops and schools, such as the St Joseph Coptic School, which is run by nuns, a pharmacy and a restaurant. Anti-Christian graffiti were sprayed on the walls along a road.

A few days after the massacre, the guard said that Copts wrote a message on the wall of the orphanage in response to the militants’ insults that read, ‘Despite of what you did, we ask God to forgive you…'” Read more.

Flashback: Changing Times And Law In A Culture Of Lawlessness