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Report: Camels “Almost Certainly” The Source Of Deadly SARS-Like Virus Spreading Through Middle East

Hadith, Bukhari 8:82:794, “Some people from the tribe of ‘Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).”

The Islamic world would be wise to ignore their prophet’s own divine revelation regarding the healing properties of camel urine. Unfortunately, that suggestion won’t be intuitive for many. It’ll be insulting, especially when “Allah is so kind to Muslims that He remits their sins by their illness” …

Hasan, 2001, vol. ii, p. 879, foot note 2557, “Allah is so kind to Muslims that He remits their sins by their illness. The Prophet (may peace be upon him) has pointed out that a Muslim should bear illness cheerfully. It serves as atonement for his sins …”

Bad Idea

Bad Idea

By Jennifer Newton, Mail Online – “Camels are being blamed as the source of the deadly MERS virus, a SARS-like condition which is spreading through the Middle East.

Researchers have warned it is not advisable to come into close contact with the animals, especially sick camels, as most are infected with the same strain of the virus as humans.

MERS, which stands for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome has already infected 345 people in Saudi Arabia since it was identified two years ago.

There has been further concern over the spread of the virus as Saudi Arabia has reported more cases over the weekend, taking the reported number of deaths to 100.

Symptoms include fever, pneumonia and sometimes kidney failure, with a third of all sufferers eventually being killed by the virus.

Yesterday, acting Saudi health minister Adel Fakieh told a news conference: ‘There has been consensus in the discussions taking place over the last two days after the scientific team reviewed various evidence that it is advised not to get into close contact with camels, especially sick camels.’

He was speaking after meeting foreign experts including those from the World Health Organisation who were invited by the government to help investigate MERS. They have also advised people not to consume raw milk or raw meat products from camels.

A countrywide survey of camels in Saudi Arabia shows many, if not most, are infected with a strain genetically almost identical to the strain that’s infecting people, a team at Columbia University, King Saud University, and the EcoHealth Alliance reported.” Read more.

Flashback: Lying Wonders: Saudi ‘Science’ Discovers Cancer Cure In Camel Urine ‘Nano-Particles’ – “While the Zionists sneer about all the Nobel Prizes won by Jews, Muslim science founded on the unerring Koran and Hadiths transmitted by the Angel Gabriel and occasionally Satan, to an illiterate desert bandit, is about to yield the greatest prize of them all. A cure for the most dreaded of diseases where you might least expect it, but exactly where a Koran-literate Muslim would expect to find it.” Read more.

Flashback: ‘Sharia Medicine’: Egyptian Clinic Treats People … With Camel Urine – “A recent Egyptian TV program showed how Islamic Sharia law’s many prescriptions do not merely clash with modern-day concepts like free speech and religious freedom, but even with medicine and science. On September 16, popular TV persona Wael El-Ibrashi hosted Dr. Zaghlul al-Naggar, a prominent Islamic thinker and Chairman of Egypt’s Committee of Scientific Notions in the Quran, on the topic of medical science and Islam. Inevitably the idea of drinking camel urine as a form of therapy—first proposed in the 7th century by Muslim prophet Muhammad—came up. Not only did Dr. Naggar promote this practice, but he made the staggering announcement that right now in Egypt a medical center in Marsa Matrouh actually specializes in treating people with camel urine, all in accord with the prophet’s advice.” Read more.

Flashback: Yemen: Hair Salons Using Camel Urine To Promote Healthy Hair – “Camel urine, considered an ancient Islamic ‘remedy’ from the time of the Prophet Mohammed, has become big business for men and women in Yemen. The urine has become fashionable recently among Yemen’s young people, who claim that it strengthens the scalp, slows hair loss and promotes healthy hair. According to the Arab TV network al-Arabiya, hair salons throughout the country are requesting this precious ‘tonic’ and selling it at four dollars a litre – a high price considering the income level of most of the buyers… The use of the urine is not just limited to women. Men have reportedly also been using it to prevent or stop hair loss.” Read more.

Categories: Pestilence
  1. 05/03/2014 at 7:47 AM

    Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented:
    Camel kissing is bad for you.


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