Home > Radical Islam > Beheaded, Shot, Burned: Hundreds Of Christians Flee Northeast Kenya After Islamists Begin Hunting Them Down

Beheaded, Shot, Burned: Hundreds Of Christians Flee Northeast Kenya After Islamists Begin Hunting Them Down

There’s a good reason why Scripture likens the kingdom of Islam to a predatory beast …

Qur’an Sura 2:191-193, “And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out … fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.”

africa-islam-christianBy BosNewsLife Africa Service – “Hundreds of Christians in northeastern Kenya have fled their homes after at least six Christians were killed in a new wave of Islamic attacks, Christians and aid workers say.

In the latest published incident, Islamic militants of the al Shabaab group entered Maporomoko village in Lamu County, killing four believers, local Christians and aid workers said.

‘Two were shot, one was beheaded, and another died because his house had been set on fire,’ explained Voice of the Martyrs Canada (VOMC), an advocacy group closely monitoring the situation in a statement obtained by BosNewsLife.

Some reportedly survived the January 31st attack, details of which only emerged recently. Eyewitnesses said it’s clear that the attackers were hunting down Christians.

In other known attacks, two people were killed on December 21st, 2015 when al Shabaab militants stopped a bus that was travelling to the capital of Mandera region. ‘Fortunately, they were unsuccessful in their attempts to segregate the Christian passengers from those who were Muslim. This was largely due to several Muslim passengers who, in their efforts to protect the Christians aboard, refused to cooperate with the rebels,’ VOMC said

‘One of the Christian passengers, however, was killed while trying to escape, and so was the driver of a separate vehicle after he approached the stopped bus.’ Witnesses said militants killed the other driver when they learned he was a Christian.” Read more.

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