Home > Radical Islam > Hocus-Pocus: Saudi Cleric Warns That Posting Pics On Social Media May Cause Cancer In Children

Hocus-Pocus: Saudi Cleric Warns That Posting Pics On Social Media May Cause Cancer In Children

Because a sorcerer might take the picture, print it, and cast a cancer-causing spell upon whomever is in the photo. Fortunately, Saudi scientists recently discovered that drinking camel urine can miraculously cure cancer

Hadith, Bukhari 8:82:794, “Some people from the tribe of ‘Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).”

Saudi Cleric Sa’d Al-Ateeq, Saudi TV, 2/3/2016: “By Allah, I have encountered cases of cancer, caused directly by pictures posted on social media accounts. By Allah, I saw this with my own eyes. Children got cancer because of pictures circulated (online)… A picture might transmit sorcery. The proof is that if I took your picture, and applied sorcery to it, you will be afflicted accordingly. So why do we find it difficult to believe that a sorcerer might take your picture from a social media account, print it, and cast sorcery upon it?”

Categories: Radical Islam
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