Home > Anything Else > Is The Almighty Really Back? Jerusalem And God Vote Gets Booed At Dem Convention

Is The Almighty Really Back? Jerusalem And God Vote Gets Booed At Dem Convention

Sounds like the “no” vote was slightly louder. This isn’t a good day for the Democratic Party. This is a sad one …

The Brody File, CBN – “This has become a disaster for the Democrats and a boon to the Romney campaign. The DNC has now added God back into their platform language after originally taking it out. They have also added language back in that says Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. When they tried to change the language on the convention floor, there were boos! Oy-gevalt.

Despite the corrections by the Democrats, the Romney campaign can now argue that the Democrats don’t know what they believe on two very important topics. They can also argue that the Democrats only did this because of the pushback. That’s true. The Brody File first pointed it out and the media followed, making this a story that the DNC wants to make go away. The problem is it’s not going away. Expect the Romney campaign to push this until Election Day. These last second changes really just make the issue worse and make the Democrat Party look bad.

In a way it’s unfortunate for the party because speakers at the DNC have been talking about God from the stage and there have been plenty of faith-filled events down here in Charlotte. But party officials should have known this would get scrutinized. The issue is either political malpractice or something far worse.

Here is video of the adoption of the new language. Listen to the boos.” Read more.

Record Number of Muslim Delegates Attending This Year’s DNC – “A record number of Muslim delegates are attending this year’s Democratic National Convention, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations. An estimated 100 Muslim delegates from 20 different states are in Charlotte, the group said in a press release, which pointed out that only a ‘handful’ of delegates attended the Republican National Convention last week in Tampa, ‘during which the RNC adopted a platform plank targeting the religious practices of Muslims,’ the group’s press release said. There were 43 Muslim and Arab-American delegates at the DNC in 2008 and 25 in 2004, according to CAIR.” Read more.

Categories: Anything Else
  1. iamnotashamedofthegospelofchrist
    09/05/2012 at 8:04 PM

    Well, I guess we could look on the bright side and say they listened to the push back, but then there’s the dark side, that they’re just doing this so they can win the election. And then it’s Katy bar the door. These people can not win. This really changes nothing.


  2. 09/05/2012 at 9:27 PM

    I disagree that “no” was louder, but the “aye” surely wasn’t a 2/3 majority. Not a very scientific way of taking a poll or making rules, but then the Dems oppose simple things like picture I.D.s when voting, so its no surprise. Mayor Villian (not sure exactly how to spell his name, so that will have to do) looked really confused, taking the poll three times. He knew what was supposed to happen (for media consumption) but didn’t know quite how to react when it didn’t come out clearly in favor.


  3. ICA
    09/05/2012 at 9:32 PM

    Barack Obama and his political/ideological constituents will do and say just about anything — if they think somehow it’ll translate into a net gain of votes. Platforms like this are written well in advance, so it’s pretty obvious to me that the Democratic leadership clearly miscalculated the controversy they’d invite by snubbing their noses at God and Jerusalem.

    Also note how the media can’t even get the story straight:

    Los Angeles Times: Obama: Why was ‘God’ taken out of platform in the first place? – “… President Obama personally had a hand in getting the language reinstated. A Democratic official says the president was unhappy about the platform changes when he heard about them. He told his staff to convey his opposition right away, which set the wheels in motion to reinstate. On the ‘God’ part, the official said, his response to hearing it was, ‘Why was it changed in the first place?'” Source.

    CBS New York: President Obama Hands Republicans A Gift; Jewish, Palestinian Leaders Fume – “President Barack Obama handed the Republicans a new avenue of attack on a silver platter when he supported a Democratic Party platform change that does not state that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It was a dramatic change from what the president said when he was running for office the first time. ‘Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided,’ he said back in 2008.” Source.

    Jerusalem is now becoming a burdensome stone not just for the nations surrounding Israel, but for those from afar as well.


  4. ICA
    09/05/2012 at 9:49 PM

    Kurt, “I disagree that ‘no’ was louder, but the ‘aye’ surely wasn’t a 2/3 majority.”

    Definitely nowhere near the 2/3 “required”. The first two votes sounded about equal, but the third vote sounded to give “no” the slight majority to my ear. As sad as it may be to say it, I think there’s the high likelihood that if no Arab American delegates had been present, the measure would have passed quite easily.


  5. 09/05/2012 at 10:24 PM

    I believe there is widespread voter fraud in the U.S. tilted heavily toward democrat candidates and measures. The lack of proper I.D.s, clearing of voter roles upon death or moving to another precinct make it very easy for the unscrupulous or even non-citizens to vote. I think its a massive, ignored problem. Black is white and up is down now in many areas in our country, and the majority, who actually do see the problems, are afraid to voice the truth because of political correctness.


    • ICA
      09/05/2012 at 10:35 PM

      I agree 100%. And this November it could be all the difference that Obama needs to win one of the swing states, and the election.


  6. Willard
    09/06/2012 at 2:03 AM

    I find that voter ID issue really dumb – it is all about politics. Here in Canada we have to show proof of who we are at least were I live. What about you ICA – must be the same??


    • ICA
      09/06/2012 at 11:23 AM

      Yep, to vote we must prove our identity and address.


  7. 09/06/2012 at 2:29 AM

    In the US, its all politics. All the Dummycrats have to do is cry “poor, oppressed minorities”, the mainstream media sycophantically agrees, the Republicrats back down, and that’s the end of it. Meanwhile, everybody has to show I.D. anywhere they go, whether the Democrat convention, the airport, to get into a high school football game, even to buy milk if you’re using a credit card. We used to have a poll tax (put in place by southern Democrats, by the way) to keep blacks from voting, and so that’s the end of the debate. Meanwhile, if you’ve moved, most likely your registration was not closed at your old address. Even if you die, at least you can still vote. Or someone can.

    And now we’re going to start giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, oh, excuse me, “undocumented immigrants”; what was I thinking??. That will work great for registering to vote.

    Imagine what would happen to you if you snuck into Mexico, tried to get a job, free health care, social benefits… what would happen to you? They’d bounce your a** right on out.


  8. AtHisFeet
    09/06/2012 at 5:32 PM

    I’m going to go way out on a limb here and share something with you all that has been weighing so heavily on my heart. I guess this is a good a thread as any to say this. Let me say at the outset, I am not looking to stir the pot or get into a long-winded political debate. This is just your sister in Christ sharing a burden – O.K.?

    I currently find myself unable to even conceive of voting for Mitt Romney knowing what he believes. How can I voluntarily put into a position of leadership over myself and my country a man who truly believes that he can one day become a “god”*? The Mormon church teaches despicable things about the nature of God and the person of Jesus Christ. I feel they deeply dishonor the Savior that I love and cherish. I could not vote for Obama, knowing what he believes (either as a Muslim or a member of a “liberation theology” church). Neither can I do so now with Romney.

    On this blog, there is great concern over the devastating impact of Islam on the world. But, did you know there are great similarities between Islam and Mormonism? Here is a good overview:

    http://www.inplainsite.org/html/smith_and_muhammed.html (Please note: I haven’t read every single thing on this person’s site, so I don’t know if I would agree with everything on it.)

    I believe the same lying spirit that visited Mohammed also paid a visit to Joseph Smith. They also deny the true nature of the Father and the Son and deny the Trinity, which, according to John, makes them of the spirit of antichrist.

    Based on the LDS church’s teaching that revelation is “ongoing” and new words of God can come forth from any sitting “prophet” of the church, how can we be sure where Mr. Romney’s allegiance will lie should “new light” come forth from “god” that, for example, it is his mission to create a Mormon theocracy in America (which is a widely held belief in the LDS church. They believe Jesus is going to rule and reign the world from Independence, Missouri, of all places, and that the Mormon faithful will have a hand in bringing about His kingdom).

    Believe me, I have heard and considered all of the arguments like, “We are voting for commander in chief, not pastor in chief”, or “anyone but Obama”, etc. I do understand and share everyone’s concern for this country. But, we are taught that we should “vote our conscience”. Well, my conscience is screaming. There is no doubt in my mind that a Romney presidency will give a whole new level of legitimacy to the LDS church. Just look at the inroads Glenn Beck has been able to make among evangelical believers who see him as “cool” and “on our side”. Believe me, they are consummate direct marketers of their religion. They WILL use this to bolster their membership rolls. These new members will be taught “another Jesus” and “another gospel”, thus endangering their eternal destiny. Do we really want to play a part in that? Are the temporary benefits we believe we will be afforded by a Romney presidency worth the eternal consequences it may hold for thousands of unsuspecting converts who believe, because they saw so many Christian “leaders” endorse him, that Mormonism is just another form of Christianity?

    I am not trying to tell anyone what they ought to do. This is strictly the meditations of my troubled heart. I am hoping to at least spur some soul searching, research and prayer among my fellow believers. I have been a long-time student of apologetics, having been taught by the likes of Walter Martin. But, maybe others aren’t aware of how deep is the darkness of Mormonism.

    Let me end by saying that I am not one who enjoys confrontation, or even sticking my neck out and speaking what I believe the Lord has put on my heart. I’d rather sit quietly in the background. But, I have an increasing sense of foreboding about what this may mean for the Church in America.


    *This has been very openly taught in the Mormon church from the beginning. Their second “prophet”, Brigham Young, whom they revered as God’s voice on the earth, said this: “The Lord created you and me for the purpose of becoming Gods like Himself” (JOD 3:93). Not surprisingly, newly revamped Mormon PR is now denying they ever taught that men can become gods. This change began to unfold in early 2012 – suspiciously concurrent with the growing likelihood of Romney’s nomination. Very typical behavior for this cult.

    See here: http://exmormon.org/d6/drupal/The-Mormon-church-now-denying-man-becoming-a-god-March-2012

    And here: http://www.mrm.org/lorenzo-snow-couplet


  9. ICA
    09/06/2012 at 5:53 PM

    I’ve felt the exact same way as you do for quite a while, AHF. I think many Christians have, and many still do, and still will come November 6th. But I firmly believe that the reality here is that a no vote for Romney is effectively a yes vote for Barack Obama, even if you stay home come Decision Day. Sometimes there comes a point where, when faced with two undesirable choices, one has to choose the “lesser” of two evils. Often, the consequences of those decisions are relatively inconsequential. But this time, the reality is that to have Barack Obama in office for another four years would mean devastation, not only for America, but for Israel.

    I know that Israel’s future is already foretold, but when the time comes for the surrounding nations to gather against her I want to see America firmly allied with Israel, not as an ineffectual fair-weather “friend” unwilling or unable to come to her aid and defense, which is what would almost certainly happen under the leadership of Barack Obama because I believe that this time is coming much sooner than many Christians may realize…


  10. AtHisFeet
    09/06/2012 at 6:08 PM

    Yes, I do understand that, ICA. I truly do. But, ultimately, the Lord God is responsible for Israel, is He not? How many times in Israel’s history has God allowed evil leaders to be put into place in order to drive His people back to Him? Could this not be playing out again in our generation? I just don’t see how the Lord would desire us to compromise the clear sense of wrongness we feel in voting for Romney, in order to bring about His purposes for Israel. Does He want us to violate our conscience? No. His ways are not our way, His thoughts not ours. He may have reasons for allowing Obama to win that we can’t even fathom. Romney recently said in a speech that voting for his ticket is the only hope for peace for this planet. NO! Jesus Christ is the only hope for peace for this planet. Again, I fear for a church that would knowingly condone evil (the lesser of two evils is still evil) and put faith in earthly leaders to accomplish that which God alone can do.


  11. ICA
    09/06/2012 at 6:22 PM

    Yes, the Lord is. But I’ve decided not to look at this fatalistically. I would continue to do what I believe is in the best interests of Israel and what would be (more of) a blessing to them, and if that means voting for someone that I would normally never vote for, then I would do it. Others will see it differently, and that’s OK. Choose what you will do prayerfully.

    If it is ultimately God’s will that Obama be re-elected for His own purpose, then Obama will be re-elected. I can see why Obama was re-elected for one term, and I hope that God’s purpose was served for this time in this one term. If the Assyrian in Micah 5 is Antichrist, I can’t help but to wonder who the “seven shepherds, and eight principal men” that come to Israel’s defense in the Last Days will be. But I’d like to hope that America is one of them, and that America was created for a bigger purpose than any of us had envisioned in the End.


  12. Willard
    09/06/2012 at 6:28 PM

    Donna – The same question was asked on Joels Trumpet – it even may have come from you – not sure ??? If it was than you already heard my thoughts. At the end of the day God says that he is the one who puts in leaders and governments and also removes them. Remember the story of king Saul he was instated by God and Samuel only to be a failure in Gods eyes at the end of the day. So many in the leaders in the bible let God down and failed in many ways.

    Jimmy Carter was one of the most religious president that the US ever had, but did he serve you well ???? Was he the christian every one thought ? He was likely except for Obama likely the worst anti Semantic one of them all and his Christianity very left wing to the point even he agrees with same sex marriage as far as I know.

    Yes Romney is a Mormon and I too have an issue with Mormonism but they will not move my faith and you are correct it will certainly give a boost to Mormonism. The Jews too have rejected Christ for centuries but many Christian today support them politically. We look forward to the day that Jesus will be our KING every other leader until than really is nothing more than chaff. It will not be long until we have perfect government, soon Christ the King will come and reign for 1000 years – until than man has struggled with leadership since the days of Moses and King Saul and nothing will change. Read the struggles that Moses had.

    They all get caught up in the politics of the day, greed, pride, etc. We all fall short, even the best Christians. Remember Saul had Christians killed before he became Paul. King David Israel greatest king committed adultery, had a man killed, had numerous wives, had family infighting to no end, yet Jesus is called the Son of David.

    I agree the best option would be to have a political leader who is a Christian, but that option is not there this time. Past presidents that were christian were not always good Christians either. Nixon was if I recall a Quaker ?? We do not have them in Canada so not sure what they believe.

    What did Jesus say – Jesus seems to have separated the two when said in –

    Mt 22:17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”
    Mt 22:18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me?
    Mt 22:19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius,
    Mt 22:20 and he asked them, “Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?”
    Mt 22:21 “Caesar’s,” they replied. Then he said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
    Mt 22:22 When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.

    When Paul traveled to Rome and through out Asia he submitted to the authorities one being Nero – but he still defended and never moved from his faith – HE AND HIS PEOPLE STILL SERVED THE LORD – in fact he died for his faith as did Peter and almost every other disciple. The first 200 years or so there were Zero christian political leaders in the world. They were all dictators, the ME Christian for centuries have lived under Islamic dictators.

    No political leader is God – I expect our leaders to be moral and faithful – I do not expect them to give us sermons from the White House that’s why we have separation of Church and State. We are judged on our faith in Christ not on the leadership elected to office

    At the end of the day I believe that it will be God who decides who the president will be – I will pray for you that God will put it upon your heart as to what to do

    I am thankful to my lovely wife to challenge me and say ” Choose ye this day who you will serve, as for Me and My House we will serve the Lord!”

    Voting for or electing Romney should not in anyway prevent you or your household from serving the LORD.

    Anyway those are my thoughts – I would have no issue voting for a man who is pro-life, anti same sex marriage, and not a Muslim


  13. iamnotashamedofthegospelofchrist
    09/06/2012 at 6:35 PM

    Amen willard, I can’t think of anything to add. That is why as Christians we have to dig into the Bible and know the truth! Because it’s going to get a whole lot worse! Praying for knowledge, guidance and wisdom for us all. I’ll add a special prayer for you athisfeet.


  14. AtHisFeet
    09/06/2012 at 6:43 PM

    I appreciate your thoughts, guys. I know we are all deeply committed to Jesus and to the truth. Again, I have no desire to engage in a debate, because I truly trust the Holy Spirit to guide each one of us. Sometimes, one just has to put what they think “out there”, and then leave it to our Heavenly Father to use it as He will. Maybe others reading this will consider a few points they may never have thought of. At the very least, if the deceptive and cultish nature of Mormonism is exposed to many who do not know about it because of the Romney candidacy, then I rejoice in that alone.


    BTW – Willard, I’m not Donna. It’s Lisa. :)


  15. AtHisFeet
    09/06/2012 at 6:55 PM

    P.S. I was too young to vote in the Carter election, but would not have voted for him in any case because of his policies, regardless of the fact that he claims to be a Christian. I did vote for Bush, although I did not love everything about him. I had no reason to doubt his beliefs. So, it isn’t as if I have never struggled with these issues before, but then gone on to cast my vote for the person I felt would be the best for our country AND Israel. This time, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt the evil nature of Mormonism, I just can’t go there. God knows my heart. I feel as if endorsing Romney is giving defacto credibility to a religion that has totally denigrated Jesus Christ and will lead thousands astray.

    Thanks for the prayers – I’ll always take those. I need them! :)


  16. 09/06/2012 at 7:20 PM


    I’m in CA too, as you probably remember, and the out we have here, if you care to take it, is that there is NO CONCEIVABLE WAY Romney is going to take CA. So you can vote your conscience, and (unfortunately) it will have no bearing on whether the CA electoral votes go for Obama. Its a done deal. Nonetheless, I will vote for Romney. Initially I wasn’t for many of the reasons you so well communicated, but I changed my mind.

    I agree that there are many similarities between Islam and Mormonism, theoretically and doctrinally. But the way the Mormons actually go about life is 180 from the Muslims.

    For all to watch, this is Allen West’s newest ad in light of the Despot-crats saying “no” to God three times: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEdLeWTopF8



  17. AtHisFeet
    09/06/2012 at 7:38 PM

    LOL. Yes, Kurt – I remember that you are in CA. And, you are absolutely right – it’s kind of a moot point in a way here on the left coast. :)


  18. AtHisFeet
    09/06/2012 at 8:03 PM

    O.K. – I know I keep saying I’m not going to belabor this point and just kind of leave my thoughts out there, but I can’t seem to get my head to “turn off” on this. I’m sort of in awe of the fact that I haven’t crawled back into my hidey hole by now.

    What was the first thing Jesus said in answer to the disciples’ question regarding the end of the age? Don’t be deceived. Many would come in His name (which I personally believe is to be understood to mean that many will come claiming they believe in Him and His name) and would deceive many. No matter how nice they are, those in Mormon leadership (including Romney) are deceivers. #1 thing Jesus said to look out for. I don’t see that He differentiated between religious leaders or civil leaders. Just to watch out for deceivers. I’ll bet if you did an historical query, you’d find that pretty much every presidential candidate invoked the name of Jesus, because it’s just what you do if you want to be president of the U.S. So, it’s pertinent to the point here.

    In Matt. 8 Jesus said that many would come before Him claiming all of the “good” things they had done in His name and indeed, they may have done “good works”. And He said they were actually practitioners of lawlessness. What is God’s definition of lawlessness? For sure, the Muslims murdering people is horrendous lawlessness. But, people who were deceivers are just as condemned by God as being lawless. How many people has Mormonism sent to hell? They don’t need a sword to do this.

    Now, if I vote for someone who claims one thing during the campaign, and then does something quite different once they get in office, I can be forgiven for having no way of knowing this person was a deceiver. In this case, we KNOW beyond any doubt right up front that the beliefs dearly held by this candidate are pure deception.

    You know, guys, the world is watching. I can’t tell you already how many articles I have seen from the left, the atheists and liberals lambasting Christian leaders, whom they can quote from previous recordings had branded Mormonism as an evil cult. And, now they see these same people joining hands and giving their backing to someone who is a member of that cult. What’s the message? That maybe those Christians don’t really mean what they say.

    O.K. – I think I’m done. Maybe.


    • iamnotashamedofthegospelofchrist
      09/06/2012 at 8:40 PM

      AHF, I can tell your really distraught over this, we all get it about what mormons stand for. Personally I agree with ICA, Willard and Kurt. But I’ve had lengthy prayers, and sessions with God on this. He is guiding me, he will guide you also. We have to put our trust in Him, not man. He does indeed install King’s for his own purposes. I do believe we are in the last of the last day’s. I wish we could change things, I will never give up hope. It does take all of us to make changes. The first thing we need to concentrate on is getting this evil, evil man out of office. God will do the rest. Trust in Him, “Lean not on your own understanding but on God’s.” He will never, never, fail you. If you truly discern after much prayer that he is leading you than vote your concious. Just be sure it’s coming from God and not Satan. Keeping you in my prayers. And praying for knowledge, wisdom, and guidance for us all.


  19. AtHisFeet
    09/06/2012 at 9:17 PM

    Iamnot – I’m honestly not distraught, just passionate. I agree that we are in the last of the last days. Yes, we all need to be in prayer, as Paul said:

    “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Eph. 6:18



  20. ICA
    09/06/2012 at 9:20 PM

    If you don’t want to vote for Mitt Romney, you can always vote for Paul Ryan.


  21. 09/07/2012 at 12:01 AM

    Ultimately, no man is savior; we are always choosing between “lesser evils”. Even Ryan, though a professing Christian, believes the U.S. should not be intervening in the M.E., including supporting Israel. At this point I don’t think there’s much a U.S. President can do, or will do. It seems as if we’re watching marionettes dancing on the stage of history, helpless to do anything but what the hidden puppet masters require of them.

    May we each put on our spiritual armor to fight the good fight, and run the race set before each of us.


  22. Willard
    09/07/2012 at 12:16 AM

    Kurt – Isnt it strange that the vote took 3 votes against God (3xs) one of Gods numbers – the mayor sure looked embarrased at the podium

    Good point ICA to vote for Ryan and as you said earlier a non vote could be a vote for Islam


  23. 09/07/2012 at 9:05 AM

    We are all about to receive a wake up call. I didn’t think of it until last night, in a dream. The reference to Matthew 26 give me chills….

    34 Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.”

    35 Peter said to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!”

    Why have to vote 3 times? Why knowingly keep asking for the vote? The reference to 3 denials.. is that not God speaking to us?


    • ladyinwaiting2012
      09/07/2012 at 9:44 AM

      Sad sad day for this. Country.


  24. 09/08/2012 at 10:09 AM

    I’m thrilled that the G-d hateing liberals publicly exposed themselves, even if only for a breif moment. Their attempt to run for cover was pathetic. The Dems showed the entire nation their dirty, filthy, drawers. And now they want to try and convince the viewing public that theirs drawers are not really soiled after all. Too late!! We’ve already had a good look, and guess what? It’s all on video for everyone’s viewing pleasure. Thanks Dems!!


  25. Willard
    09/08/2012 at 11:34 AM

    I watched in amazment how easy it is for the Dems like Clinton. Biden, Obama and the many others to simply speak lies and empty promises and left leaning abortion promoting liberals – they are nothing more than snake oil sales people – absalutly no blushing at all


    • iamnotashamedofthegospelofchrist
      09/08/2012 at 9:11 PM

      I have come to the conclusion that Clinton, Biden, Obama, and Pelosi are evil to the core. If one looks hard enough, you can almost see Satan. For sure you can see their darkened hearts and soul’s. God help them.


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