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Muslim Cleric Condemns Christianity For Teaching Gender Equality Because It ‘Contradict[s] The Teachings Of The Quran’

Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

1 Timothy 5:1-2, “Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.”

By Raymond Ibrahim – “A recent talk show on the Egyptian station Al Hafiz partially explains why it is that Islam’s clerics are staunchly against discussing Christian or biblical teachings in Egyptian schoolrooms—even as the teaching of the Quran is mandatory, for both Muslim and Christian students.

Discussing Christianity’s teachings concerning women, one of the guests, a sheikh dressed in traditional cleric garb, said they ‘truly stab the rulings of Islam.’ To exemplify, he read from a text that said ‘the Christian religion does not differentiate between women and men, but it confirms their perfect equality: it gives them an equal share in inheritance, it bans divorce, and it bans polygamy.’

‘Now,’ said the sheikh, ‘if my son hears such things while he’s in school, he’ll come home and say to me, ‘Father why do you have many wives? You are unjust—unlike Christianity which is full of justice’!’

He went on to say that such teachings completely contradict ‘the religion of the prophet,’ who of course had many wives—more than the Quran’s prescribed four—made divorce a simple matter for men, and decreed that females only inherit half of what males inherit.

The cleric complained that, based on such Christian teachings, Muslim men who try to exercise their Islamic rights—including polygamy, double-inheritance, and easy divorce (recent examples include via text-messaging)—become ‘criminals, and the religion [Islam] that taught them such things taught them crimes.’

The cleric concluded by saying it is impermissible ‘to produce texts that contradict the teachings of the Quran, or the practices we’ve been raising our children on for a million years.'” Source – Jihad Watch.

Flashback: Egyptian Cleric: Islam Teaches A Man To Beat His Wife So That She’ll Treat Him With Kindness, Respect, And Know He Is Superior – “Islam instructs a man to beat his wife as a last resort before divorce, so that she will mend her ways, treat him with kindness and respect, and know that her husband has a higher status than her… A good woman, even if beaten by her husband, puts her hand in his and says: ‘I will not rest until you are pleased with me.’ This [is] how the Prophet Mohammed taught his women to be.” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 10/29/2012 at 12:33 PM

    Reblogged this on Iamnotashamedofthegospelofchrist's Blog and commented:
    Great post ICA, I was just talking about this in regards to why they don’t worship the same God. Daniel 11:37 comes to mind also, “He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women….” More proof, how much more do others need?


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