Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Nigeria: Death Toll In Yesterday’s Church Bombing Rises To 15, At Least 150 Injured, Victims Are 90% Children

Nigeria: Death Toll In Yesterday’s Church Bombing Rises To 15, At Least 150 Injured, Victims Are 90% Children

Here’s an update on yesterday’s suicide car bombing at a church in Nigeria …

allAfrica – “Kaduna State was yesterday thrown into another round of pandemonium following a suicide bomb blast that rocked the Saint Rita’s Catholic Church at Ungwa Yero in Malali, Kaduna North LGA. The church has a capacity to accommodate over 1,000 worshipers.

The blast, which affected mostly women and children, killed at least 15 people and severely injured about 150 including the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Bonet Micah…

The bishop said: ‘I feel more pained in my heart over this unfortunate incident as 90 per cent of the victims are children. We pray for their quick recovery and fortitude to bear the loss of those who died in the process. My appeal is to the Christians, especially the Catholic youths, not to consider reprisal as an option as this will rather create more tension and add to the already bad situation’…

‘The people that were mostly affected are my choir members and the little children, although some other members of the church like those on the altar and the priest were also affected. Two persons died instantly including the suicide bomber, but there were over 150 others injured with some in critical condition right now,’ he said.” Read more.

Flashback: Nigeria: ‘Proud Soldiers Of Allah’ Vows To Take Down Government And Destroy Christianity, ‘We Will Devour You … Our Joy Is To Die In Jihad’ – “‘You, Jonathan, cannot stop us; instead we will devour you in the three months like you are boasting … We are proud soldiers of Allah; we will never give up as we fight the infidels. We will emerge as winners … for us, [death] is eternal victory to die working for Allah. Our joy is to die in Jihad for Allah … We are not doing physical human service, but Allah’s work … We are not afraid because we are not doing man’s work but Allah’s work…” Read more.

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