Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > How Islamists Could Cripple U.S. Sea Power

How Islamists Could Cripple U.S. Sea Power

“Clouds are forming that could become a perfect storm destructive to America’s power and influence. Historically, America made decisions that led to its economic and military ascendancy. Today, America’s decisions are shifting her economic and military strengths to other nations, including potential enemies. As expected, that power flows to those countries that act logically in their own self-interest, pursuing objectives to which they are totally committed. While America appears to be non-committal to its own interests, this storm has at least seven indicators converging on the nation:

  1. potential threats to the U.S. Navy’s ability to keep sea lanes open for commerce
  2. Turkey’s increasing military and economic power
  3. the Turkish government’s shift from secular to Islamist
  4. Muslim countries’ physical proximity to strategic sea lanes
  5. the naïve belief of the West that the institution of democracy will curb Islamic aggression
  6. Islamists’ belief that world domination is destined by Allah, and
  7. America’s huge budgetary deficits and crippling debt

Should this storm form, it imperils America’s influence in foreign relations as well as national security.”  Read more.

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