Home > Earthquakes, Man-Made Disasters > Japan Extending Evacuation Zone Around Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Japan Extending Evacuation Zone Around Fukushima Nuclear Plant

“By HIROKO TABUCHI, KEITH BRADSHER and DAVID JOLLY – TOKYO — Japanese officials began encouraging people to evacuate a larger swath of territory around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Friday as new signs emerged that parts of the crippled facility are so damaged and contaminated that it will be hard to bring the plant under control soon.

The authorities said that they would now assist people who want to leave the area from 12 to 19 miles outside the plant and that they were now encouraging ‘voluntary evacuation’ from the area. Those people had been advised March 15 to remain indoors, while those within a 12-mile radius of the plant had been ordered to evacuate.

The United States has recommended that its citizens stay at least 50 miles away.”  Read more.

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