Home > Anything Else > Washington Times Reporter: Obama’s Birth Certificate a Forgery, This May Be ‘Much Larger Than Watergate’

Washington Times Reporter: Obama’s Birth Certificate a Forgery, This May Be ‘Much Larger Than Watergate’

Alfred Lambremont Webre (ALW) interviews Robert Stanley (RS), weekly correspondent for the Washington Times investigative radio. Here is an excerpt I’ve put together from the interview.

ALW: “Has there been any response so far from the White House?”

RS: “… Actually there was. The document, when first posted on Wednesday, was different from the document that they posted on Thursday using the same link. The difference was that the resolution of the … second version was actually much lower resolution. And then, that night, somebody must have alerted them that there was a problem with the document and they, they broke the link, they took it down off of the White House website. I was alerted by people in the media in my circle who said, ‘Wow, what happened to the link?’…

Let’s go back to what we were talking about earlier. The National Review Online has tried to say that … the reason there’s layers in this document is because it’s an artifact of scanning through OCR, which is Optical Character Recognition. It’s a program I’ve used for many years and I’ve never seen this, this what they’re claiming to be, you know, an ‘artifact’. … The other reason I find that completely false is that you only use OCR if you want to edit a document like this. You would never do something like that for, you know, scanning an official document. It would just be a JPEG file…”

ALW: “Have the hospital officials, or any of the officials from the State of Hawaii Birth Certificate Registry said anything about the obvious forensic fraud in this document?”

RS: “Not that I know of. I got up very early this morning to help break the story. It really only surfaced yesterday, Thursday morning… People are still getting the news on this… I would be very surprised if there isn’t some sort of congressional investigation, the FBI should be involved. The media is going to have to play catch-up on this. And the other problem is the mainstream media, basically, has an agenda here, politically. They don’t want to see Barak Obama smeared like this, so typically I think they’re going to be hesitant. I think they’re going to try to dismiss it as nonsense initially, but within a week — the following weeks ahead — there’s just no way that this story is going to die and people are going to be able to sweep it under the rug…”

ALW:  “Do you think we have another potential Richard Nixon here?”

RS:  “Yeah, that’s the analogy I thought of and we discussed [this] earlier today on Washington Times Radio.  However, I would say that if all this is accurate the way I’m reporting it, if this is true, I would say this is much larger than Watergate in its scope…

  1. Kurt J.
    05/02/2011 at 12:16 AM

    ICA, stay on it…I really appreciate what you’ve been uncovering.

    Next thing we know, Obama will be Canadian…HA!


  2. John
    05/13/2011 at 10:13 AM

    You ought to question the Obama Certificate of Live Birth.

    It contains a forged signature.

    The mom’s signature has been tampered with.

    You can see this for yourself, simply by zooming in on the certificate on the government web site.

    Click to access birth-certificate-long-form.pdf

    You will see that the “Ann D” part is handwritten and the “unham Obama” part has been drawn in by someone else on the computer.

    Here is a reference to this:

    Update: Internet Engineer Declares Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate a Forgery

    “Additionally, if you zoom in using Acrobat with your browser on a lot of the text, you’ll notice that it appears jagged and a single color. That’s not original. A pen doesn’t write in a single color; as you write lighter, the color is lighter; as you press harder, it’s darker than everything else. So writing in pen is not a single solid color, and when it scanned, anti-aliased, which means that the square pixels on the edges fade to make it appear smooth. Most of the text in the document including a large portion of the signatures is just a single blotch of color. The likely explanation is that someone just drew them in using a tool similar to “pencil” in Adobe Photoshop.”

    Here are a few videos that demonstrate this:

    4:00 minute mark


  3. Anonymous
    03/02/2012 at 9:11 PM

    When will obama be charged? Time for an arrest!!!! Hope he spends the rest of his life in prison.


  4. ICA
    03/02/2012 at 10:24 PM


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