Home > Radical Islam > Canada Condemns Egyptian Anti-Christian Violence, Obama Remains Silent

Canada Condemns Egyptian Anti-Christian Violence, Obama Remains Silent

By KEITH KOFFLER – “Even as he renews his outreach to Muslims, President Obama should seek to stem the growing tide of violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt by condemning last weekend’s attacks that left a dozen people dead and scores injured.

The attacks, about which Obama has been silent, also resulted in the burning of Coptic Orthodox churches and the destruction of Christian homes and businesses.

The president needs to say more to stem religious violence that creates opportunities for Islamic extremists who want to seize power in Egypt, our most important Arab ally.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Monday ‘strongly’ condemned the violence, saying, ‘We stand behind the Coptic Christian community and their right to practice their faith in safety and security, free of persecution.’

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Obama is preparing to try to reengage Muslims with a speech, possibly next week, that will make the case that Muslims should ‘reject Islamic militancy in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s death and embrace a new era of relations with the U.S.'”  Read more.

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