Home > Radical Islam > ‘Liberated’ by American Forces, a New and Improved Afghanistan Teaches Children How to Hate the West

‘Liberated’ by American Forces, a New and Improved Afghanistan Teaches Children How to Hate the West

By Stan Grant, CNN – “Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — The Muslim call to prayer echoes through a poor neighborhood, stirring the faithful. Men shuffle into a tiny mud-and-straw-brick mosque nestled among houses down a dirt lane.

And they bring their sons, clutching tattered copies of the Quran, for lessons in hate at a religious school in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital…

The message of faith and God is mixed with a hatred of anything outside their own world. The boys have been raised on a steady diet of anti-western propaganda. They are taught to fear outsiders and reject anything but the strict teachings of Islam…

Do you like the United States I ask? There is a resounding ‘No!’

Do you want them to leave? ‘Yes!’ they yell. ‘We want our country to be peaceful. They are the devil.'”  Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
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