Home > Anything Else > The Dangers of Political Correctness: TSA Pats Down Little Old Lady and Kid, But Ignores Muslim Man In Arab Garb

The Dangers of Political Correctness: TSA Pats Down Little Old Lady and Kid, But Ignores Muslim Man In Arab Garb

Here is one example where nonsensical political correctness has run amok to the point where those responsible for ‘airport security’ are instead putting lives in danger by trying to not hurt the feelings of Muslims.  When the overwhelming majority of all terrorist attacks since 9/11 are perpetrated by Islamists, who should the TSA have been checking here?

Rep. Paul Broun: “I went through the security at an airport.  I walked through, there was — right behind me — there was  a grandma.  Little old lady, and she was patted down.  Right behind her was a little kid who was patted down, and then right behind him there was a guy in Arabian dress who just walked right through.  Why are we patting down grandma and kids?”

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