Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > US Mideast Envoy: A UN General Assembly Recognition of a Palestinian State in September Would Be ‘Very Harmful for Israel’

US Mideast Envoy: A UN General Assembly Recognition of a Palestinian State in September Would Be ‘Very Harmful for Israel’

Hey, Mr. Special US Mideast envoy man, describe something that would be very harmful to Israel, and you can rest assured there will be a concerted push from the Ummah to see it happen …

“Special U.S. Mideast envoy George Mitchell told Charlie Rose in a PBS interview on Thursday that U.S. President Barack Obama is trying to head off a ‘train wreck’ at the United Nations this September, when the Palestinians plan on bringing the issue of an independent state to the General Assembly.

‘The United Nations does not have the authority to recognize states,’ Mitchell said. Recognition of a state, especially if passed by an overwhelming margin at the UN, would be ‘very harmful for Israel, for the United States, and not good for the peace process.’

The United States has consistently expressed the opinion that bringing the issue of a Palestinian state to the UN is harmful to the peace process with Israel. Despite this, several countries, have already granted recognition to an independent Palestinian state of their own accord.

In a recent meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned against unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state, saying ‘We do not think that unilateral steps are helpful.'” Read more.

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