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A Malaysian Journey From Darkness

“For most Americans and those reading this, the nation of Malaysia–the country I call home–is likely nothing more but a mysterious, distant, small and relatively unimportant land. Some of you might be familiar with Malaysia’s carefully cultivated public image of being some sort of harmonious multicultural tropical paradise, which is recycled endlessly in 30-second-long television spots both here and overseas.

But for anyone who may be trying to come to grips with the grim reality that is Islam, Malaysia may be one of the most important places on the planet. That’s because anyone who still, despite all the evidence, feels that there really is a moderate, progressive, tolerant and peaceful Islam, need look no further than Malaysia. Once you do, you’ll be thoroughly disabused of this notion.

My own awakening to Islam is mostly a tale of ignorance and more than whiff of denial, punctuated by sudden, shattering and irreversible epiphanies. I say ‘shattering’ because the ideas that I embraced as I grew up–that Islam is just one religion of many, and doesn’t particularly pose a threat to anyone–does not withstand anything more than a cursory examination of the facts. And as the evidence piled up and my doubts grew, those old notions I had held previously, like a sheet of plate glass, came apart under the hammer blows of truth.” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
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